Another successful night of coyote calling


Oct 3, 2006
This time I didn't get the shooting, but my buddy Jimmy who was with me the other night got his turn. He shot this female with his 17HMR (despite offering my 204) at 125 yards. We were calling from a clearcut toward the swamp. 2 for 2 past 2 outings 4 days a part...really liking those odds! It's also pretty cool to be out hunting with my high school buddy 22 years later since we graduated in 93. Whoda thunk it?Jimmy Apr 11 Coyote.jpg
Way to take the shot to the dogs, YS. Looking good, and the odds are tilting in your direction.
I understood it was your buddy's dog and I assumed that he was posed with the pooch. However, I have found that it is almost as gratifying to be with a friend when he connects as to have done the work myself. I still think it is shaping up to be a great spring for you as you work the dogs.
I kind of thought that's what you meant DrMike :) It is always exciting for me when a hunting buddy has a successful hunt. The only thing cramping my style right now is I'm 2 weeks out from finishing this semester and my part time job. My buddy called me yesterday afternoon and asked me if I completed my paper yet but I hadn't. I think we both have the fever right now, but just need to keep my priorities straight for a couple more weeks, then it is game on again!
Been there, bought the tee-shirt. Every success in all endeavour.
That's good shooting, any dead coyote is good with me. Don't like them...
I agree with you and the good Dr, taking a friend on a hunt is always fun, more so if successful.