Another Thread on the Model 70 Winchester


Nov 8, 2006
Visiting my gun store this morning, I encountered the first of the new Model 70 Featherweights to arrive in this part of Canada. It was in 30-06, a calibre that no longer graces my gun safe. I tried to walk past the display without looking, but it seemed to fairly leap off the shelf and into my hands. I am trying to tell myself that I would have been much more thrilled with a 7mm/08 or a .338 WM, but somehow that rifle has ended up in my safe. This is what happens when you buy a scope for which there is no rifle, but that is another story.
I am impressed with the fit and finish on this rifle. There is no comparison to the previous seven that I have owned. As the final days neared for the old Connecticut plant, the rifles could be very rough. I purchased a 7 mm WSM and a 325 WSM produced in the final months. Each shoots well, but they were interesting to look at.

I hope to get out to the range, perhaps next week, to do break-in and begin load development. Winter shooting can be most interesting here in northern British Columbia, but until it gets below -25 C, I usually keep shooting. Right now, we are having one of the warmest falls I have witnessed here. We have only had a couple of really cold days, and the forecasts project continued mild weather. So, I should be able to give an update on this rifle in the near future.
Wow... A Win 70 in .30-06 - it just doesn't get any more classic than that...

Looking forward to your range report - the range report in American Rifleman wasn't too flattering. I'm sorry FN decided to change the wonderful old Model 70 trigger, but the one I handled sure seemed like a well made rifle - a Rifleman's Rifle so to speak... 8)

I always admired and favored the M70 Featherweights and in fact I have hunted with my pre 64 so chambered for decades. I see that the listed weight of the 30-06 Featherweight is 6 lbs 12 oz which is the same as the original.

Thats a good rifle weight or at least it was to me now that I am older. These days I wanted to try a lighter rifle and the Kimber Montana in the similar 308 Chambering goes 5 lbs 2 oz!

If I need more range than the 30-06/308 I would carry a magnum.

To each his own. I am very happy that the M70 is back. Its a historical rifle of great merit.

For certain I'll post a range report. I am somewhat excited about having a 30-06 again. I'll probably work up 165 grain loads. I have some Accubonds that should make for a good round. There are other bullets on my reloading shelf, but I'll likely try the ABs first.


I do like the Featherweight. I have at least seven in my safe. Each shoots better than I can. To be certain, finding a load has taken a bit of work, but that is part of the fun of handloading.

I'm rushing in from a whitetail hunt this morning. Now I have a lot of work before heading out again this evening to try to punch a couple of tags. This morning I saw 3 moose and 11 mule deer. There was a whitetail doe, but she was over 600 yards away. I'll go back out this evening and set up to see if I can intercept her, and perhaps any incautious buck that is tailing her.
A few months back on the "American Rifleman" TV show, a rep from Winchester or FN was interviewed.

He pointed out the differences, for the better, that the new M/70`s have over the earlier ones produced up until 2 or 3 years ago as well as the much older ones.

Design changes were made in the triggers and actions which are much better than all older versions.
The trigger is crisp, if heavy. My gunsmith said that the new triggers were a snap to adjust. Hopefully, I'll know a lot more about this rifle in a few days.
Thanks for the update.
I wouldn't mind having one in some kind of a .30 cal.
.308, 30.06, 300wsm, they all look like winners to me.
DrMike":12z97inv said:
The trigger is crisp, if heavy. My gunsmith said that the new triggers were a snap to adjust. Hopefully, I'll know a lot more about this rifle in a few days.

Is the action and trigger the same as FN is using in their rifles? I have checked several local shops and still have not been able to put my hands on a featherweight to see how the fit and finish is.
Over at the 24 hour campfire forum there is a link where it was reported that the M70 production by FN has been shut down... Large layoffs of senior Managers.....and production ceased..... the M70 is DEAD again! :( Hope it is not true. But just to give you guys the heads up who want a new M70. Better buy now in case it is true. And before ther is another run on M70s with prices climbing through the roof!