Antelope hunt cancelled

Dr. Vette

Apr 16, 2012
After months of planning we were supposed to leave last evening for an antelope hunt in eastern Wyoming. Dad and I were going to head out and try the area between Gillette and Buffalo where there is some public land and leftover tags. I've contacted several people and had a good idea where to go.

Unfortunately the winter storm cancelled our trip. Contacts in Gillette describe 18-24 inches of snow, and once it melts over the next few days it will be a wet, slippery mess. Getting stuck 5 miles off the road didn't really turn me on at all. Currently all of the highways are closed anyway, and power is out in areas of Wyoming.

So, I'm sitting here with a week of vacation. I'll do some local hunting and plenty of odd jobs that have been waiting for me.

Here is a webcam photo this morning of the area we were going to hunt.


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Not good.
I was there a week ago on Antelope hunt. Supposed to hunt Friday-Sunday. 2" of snow Thursday night into Friday morning. The Ranch roads were treacherous. Didn't get out hunting until Saturday afternoon. I figure though I was lucky to dodge this week's storm though.
Dr. Vette - I think you made a good decision, not heading into that storm for your hunt. Perhaps later?

Consider hunters already afield when this hit...

A hunter needs to be prepared to deal with the weather/roads, if nothing else, to be able to get out of the field once something like this storm hits. Seems quite often I hear about groups of hunters snowbound by an unexpected storm... I try to be prepared, have heavy duty tire chains for all four wheels, winch, shovel, tow strap, etc... Even though well equipped, I'm not one to tempt fate and get stuck in some ravine far from pavement.

Good reminder about the dangers of weather to us hunters. Thanks for posting that!

Good place for antelope around Gillette, winter storms are always an issue in October. I got snowed out of hunting in the Big Horns once in mid-October after 5 days of slogging through three feet of new snow and another blizzard followed in. It happens, especially in Wyoming!
Glad you are safe and sound.
Time to tweak the rifles. :)

Dr. I am sorry to hear about you misfortune :(. I sure hope that something comes up in the way of another hunt.


Sorry to hear about the cancelled hunt. Hope you can make it later this month. Those WYO DOT web cams are a real useful tool for me. I use them all the time for winter travel. I tried to go Antelope hunting this am abut 50 miles west of Laramie. It was a mess. lots of snow, mud and rutted roads. We couldn't get the antelope. Got the truck stuck pretty good. Thank god for tire chains! We gave up today and will try next weekend.
Unfortunately I'm off to a conference the 3rd week of the month, and given my schedule + the distance the hunt is off for the year. I don't expect that I can make it for another year or two.

If WY was only 3-5 hours away no problem, but it's over 1200 miles and takes a day and a half each way.

We've talked about trying right after my conference, but....
i understand how dissapointed you must be.
i just had the same thing happen 2 weeks ago.
i was supposed to fly to manitoba on sept. 21st.for a
moose/black bear combo with my brother who now live there.
my uncle and one of our friend, were flying with me.
but on monday the 16 while working, i had a back injury.
the pain shot all the way to my toes. i couldn't stand for more
30 sec. and couldn't sit at all.
there was no oher choice than cancel my flight
and wish the best of luck to my partners.
now they didn't get any moose ( boat motor broke) but my uncle and friend
got good bears. me i now know i have a herniated disk ( not sure about that term in english)
bow season at home is open since the 28. but i dont risk drawing my bow.
i still have pain in my left leg.
i everything goes well i will go to my brothers place in november for deer instead.
Well that sucks-sorry to hear about the lost tag. You are correct, by tuesday that will be a greasy slck mess. Almost got iced out of a couple hunts as a kid. Woud have been fun to see that view from bute with 20-30 goats in the foreground,and a rifle across your knees. But, think of all the gas and hotel money you saved.... :p I think Id go and soothe my broken heart with the purchase of another rifle..if I was you...CL
The closer that you get to the Big Horn Mountains, the squirrelier it gets weatherwise. you go from 2000 feet elevation at Gillette, to 10,000 feet at the top 40 miles west with totally alpine climate and unpredictability.
To bad, sorry about your hunt being cancelled.

Can't agree more with Guy, vehicles should be equipped for self-recovery as much as possible. I'd add a Hi-Lift Jack, boards to put under the jack's foot, and a winch kit for the jack to the list. Also warm clothes or blankets, a way to filter or boil water, and food plus a way to prepare it to the vehicle list. Hot tea, coffee, and a warm Mountain House meal can do wonders to keep the internal furnace going through a cold night in the truck. While awake a candle can help heat the interior of the vehicle, or extra fuel can help keep the heater going for periods. I probably overkill this but I try to keep my vehicle equipped to get me through being stranded for at least a week anytime I'm hunting out of state.
I lived through that! But my freshly washed (at the time) truck looks like buttocks!
I'm sorry to see that the weather has mucked your opportunity.
I'm in hopes the Lord smiles upon you and grants your desire.

To bad you guys, I have been snowbound in Wyoming more than in, any other state. The Highway department closes the gates on the freeway and you are stuck. Good luck on a second opportunity