Anyone use a Harrell powder measure?


Jan 20, 2011
I'm seriously thinking about shelling out the coin for one of their powder measures. Anyone have any experience with them?
Never used it, but were I buying a powder measure, that would be one at the top of my list.
I wonder if they are easier to use with stick powders, over the ones I've used in the past. I suppose, for the money, they should be. I wish someone I knew had one that I could test drive.
I use the small pistol measure for my 22-hornet and love it. Works fine for my 221rem FB too.

Two more, the benchrest 0-66grs and the 0-120 are on my list as well as a RCBS 10-10 scale.

Look at the powder bottle adapter if you are looking at one of the smaller measures.

Powders used it it are: Lilgun, AA1680, H4198. I can some times feel a grain cut with H4198 but much less than with my RCBS measure.