B.C LEH synopsis is out early

Good stuff, Gerry. Since I didn't get a spring grizzly draw (applied for a competitive zone), I'll definitely apply for fall grizzly, late season elk, bison and possibly a goat.
I will see if I can talk my brother into applying for antlerless elk in the Peace, going to see him tonight. As always I will put in for California bighorns down south, basically a once in a lifetime thing. The rest will be local, goat in a good area close to home, bull moose where I got my last bull in 2011 and grizzly in one of 4 different really good fall spots. Need to think more about grizzly and talk to some of my hunting partners.
I hope you do really well Gerry. That's an awesome lineup for the Fall.
SJB358":2l31wu0r said:
I hope you do really well Gerry. That's an awesome lineup for the Fall.

Thanks Scotty. It would be nice to get at least one of those draws, we will see how things pan out probably late June before we find out. Still can hunt in a general open season for lots of animals, thinking strongly about a deer trip to the west of me where you can harvest 5 at a time. Those little blacktails taste great.
I picked up tags this past week: moose, black bear, elk, mule deer and whitetail. I'll go up into the mountains next month for a black bear hunt. Gil is wanting to tag a beautiful golden coloured grizzly we saw on our last hunt up there. While he is looking for that bear, I'll be looking for a nice blackie. I haven't applied for bison for several years, so I'm thinking of spending some time up the highway looking for one if I can get the draw. Gerry, your brother is always welcome to drop by. You come with him and spend some time, ya' hear?
Thanks Mike you are welcome here, maybe some fishing this summer? The bison draw would be a great chance to use the 9.3x64 again this fall. I would love to put a 35 cal 200 gr AccuBond into an elk this year :)
gerry":36m1bw9v said:
Thanks Mike you are welcome here, maybe some fishing this summer? The bison draw would be a great chance to use the 9.3x64 again this fall. I would love to put a 35 cal 200 gr AccuBond into an elk this year :)

Hey, I'd love to have you over; and I'd love to see you tag an elk with that AB. I've taken bison, and used my old BLR .358 to do it. You are correct, however, that the 9.3X64 would be just right for this hunt.
I sure hope that you 2 can hook up it would be fun to hear the stories and see all the photos. Good luck in the draw!
