Ballistic tips on varmits a.k.a.(groundhogs)

John Eldridge

Dec 12, 2004
I havn't shot any chucks with ballistic tips of any kind . I've heard all they do is punch a hole right though them . I plan on trying 25-06 85 gr. b.t. Is it a myth or do they work as advertised.
I haven't shot any .25 caliber ballistic tips, but the 6mm 70 grainers worked quite well, and the 55 gr version were even better. I have not had the opportunity yet to try the 130 gr .270 Ballistic Tips on chucks, but a friend has sworn they will blow up quite nicely. I did shoot a couple of leftover pumpkins with various bullets at 100 meters with my .270WSM and was quite surprised that the 130 gr Ballistic Tips seemed to do more damage than Sierra 90 gr Hollow Points. I assumed the 90 gr Hollowpoints would be more explosive on the offending squash, particulary since they were launched at an estimated 300 fps higher velocity.
In my understanding the 25 85 BT is not built like a varmint bullet, like the 22 or 6mm varmint BTs with an explosive design, but is placed in the varmint category because of it's light weight.
Believe me, the current 85 grain .257 Ballistic Tips will expand quite dramatically!

Some years back those bullets were of tougher construction and indeed functioned like the Ballistic Tips intended for hunting. The current version is so very rapid in expansion that I have stopped using them in my 25-06 for coyotes. I have had several occasions where this bullet came apart so violently that it did not penetrate a coyote's shoulder, only making a huge surface wound. The coyotes did not escape, but were in terrible shape and obviously suffering until shot again.

It is hard to believe that this bullet can come apart like this. I have shot numerous coyotes with 40 and 50 grain Ballistic Tips in 22 caliber and they penetrate inside nicely. They seldom exit, and cause plenty of damage to the insides.

But back to the 85 grain Ballistic Tip. I have shot lots of ground squirrels,jack rabbits, and rock chucks with them and for that purpose they are great. They are very accurate and will turn a rock chuck inside out.

But even the hunting style Ballistic Tips will expand nicely on larger varmints. I wanted to check out a new scope on my 7mm Weatherby Mag the other day so I took it coyote hunting. I was using the 140 grain Ballistic Tips at about 3300 fps. We found a coyote out hunting in a large pasture and guessed him to be close to 400 yards. Using the Boone and Crockett reticle in the Leupold scope I was able to make a perfect shot on him right behind the shoulder. We went to look at the coyote and the 140 made a small entrance and on exit made a hole about an inch in diameter. I do not believe that coyote even kicked, just dropped.

For coyotes I have switched to the 75 grain V-Max in my 25-06. It does a great job.

I use the Nosler BT, 100 gr. on groundhogs out of a 257 Weatherby mag.. I do get some expansion over 500 yds., none out pass 600 yds.. they do seem to leave some evidence of a hit at the greater ranges. The 50 gr. BT out of a 220 Swift gets dicy past 500 yds..

the reason i need to fragment on impact is i live in ohio, you can only use a rifle on fox, chucks, and coyotes.a roads every square mile (all paved) and its flat as can be.
R Flowers":7hpc6hky said:
Believe me, the current 85 grain .257 Ballistic Tips will expand quite dramatically!

For coyotes I have switched to the 75 grain V-Max in my 25-06. It does a great job.


I agree. I used the 40 gr and 50 gr BT's in both the 22-250 and the 220 Swift.

Believe me it is dramatic!
The BT's in the varmint catagory are very explosive.

I would post some pictures of the red mist but some PETA person would find it :grin:

The 85grain BT in 25 is very explosive under the right velocities.

Slowed down the energy transfer isn't quite as dramatic.
The 25-06 and 85 BT works great on groundhogs, aka :lol: pasture grizzlies. I use Reloader 19 and load 1 grain under the book max.
thanks quarter-round i just pick up my 1st nosler reload manual 5th ed
today at a gun show along with the rest of what i needed to work up a load so in the spring i can dail up Mr.Ground hog AT&T long distance :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :!:
thanks for the info.