Barnes Question


May 26, 2012
Howdy all.
I have a .338 Win Mag that shoots the 210 grain TSX BT at 0.6" when seated 0.032" from the lands.
My 6.5x284 shots the 130gr TSX FB best with a COAL of 2.872". I'm wanting to try the new 6.5mm 127 grain LRX bullet in this rifle. Barnes is telling me, "When in doubt go deeper; " but I'm not sure I agree. Barnes says to start 0.05" of the lands.
I tried some loads seated deep, 2.795" COAL, with less than stellar results. SAMMI list the Max COAL as 3.310". I'm thinking of trying them again but maybe not seating them as deep. What say you?

Lots of guys have luck with them seated out close to and even touching the lands, myself all mine are deep, way under .050".
I've only used 7mm - 160 gr TSX bullets . if I remember right , my best accuracy was around .070 jump . I did start at .050 jump
In Dad's 7mm Weatherby I seat the 150TTSX just short of magazine length, and that works well. Given Weatherby freebore I've not measured the actual distance to the lands.
I have always seated the TSX bullets to right in the center of the top groove and found excellent accuracy. I have no idea how far I'm off the lands as I have never measured.
OU812":2keerqm5 said:
I have always seated the TSX bullets to right in the center of the top groove and found excellent accuracy. I have no idea how far I'm off the lands as I have never measured.
That's what I've done too but these new LRX bullets are loooooong!
Did I say they are long? They are. The bands are so far back that if I seated to the bands they'd be too long for the magazine.
Vince":2r8njgik said:
OU812":2r8njgik said:
I have always seated the TSX bullets to right in the center of the top groove and found excellent accuracy. I have no idea how far I'm off the lands as I have never measured.
That's what I've done too but these new LRX bullets are loooooong!
Did I say they are long? They are. The bands are so far back that if I seated to the bands they'd be too long for the magazine.

If I'm understanding you correctly the bullets are long right? :mrgreen: I've never tried the LRX so seating them may be way different than my tried and true method. I guess try starting with Barnes recommended seating depth and see what happens. Email Ty at barnes and he'll be able to recommend a good starting depth.
Thank you.
I've been talking to Ty. :)
I guess it's true what they say, Great minds think alike.
I'm going to try this again but not seat them as deep.
I've made up test loads tonight that are 3.047", 3.019", and 3.000".
SAMMI COAL is 3.310". By making, approximately a 0.020" jump in the seating depth I should be able to find a sweet spot for this bullet. All groups previously shot with this bullet were MOA, or just a hair over, at 200 meters. My already developed load is 1/2 MOA at that distance. I'd like to get this
load a little better if possible. I don't think it's too much to ask to get it at 0.75" at 200 meters.
Wish me luck.
In my S2 Vanguard 257 Wby shooting the 100 grain TSX bullets I've made the cartridge length as long as possible and still feed from the magazine well. Call me lucky, but I never had to use another seating depth since the accuracy was nothing short of outstanding.

I think you're on the right track with different seating depths to see where your rifle likes these bullets. Every rifle is different.....
I worked up a load for my 30.06 back in 07 using the 130gr TSX and I couldn't get them to shoot with any consistent accuracy at all when seated up near the lands. As soon I went deeper to .050 as Barnes recommended I was able to get some excellent accuracy. I had the same experience with a Rem 700 243.

I seldom have less than a 0.100 inch jump to the lands with the TSX. Across a wide range of calibres and in a variety of firing platforms the bullet has given excellent accuracy.
Guybo":1yzxz54s said:
I worked up a load for my 30.06 back in 07 using the 130gr TSX and I couldn't get them to shoot with any consistent accuracy at all when seated up near the lands. As soon I went deeper to .050 as Barnes recommended I was able to get some excellent accuracy. I had the same experience with a Rem 700 243.

I have a Gen 1 Ti 30/06 that shoots like that with 54.5grs H4895 and the 130 TTSX. I just seated it to the middle of the upper groove, lightly crimped and started shooting. I think it's about 7 feet to the rifling that throat is so long.
I'm suspecting that given that I have a long action and that I had loaded the first test rounds at 2.795" I was so far off the lands that the bullet had to pack a lunch to hike anywhere near the lands.
I'm still well under SAMMI COL and I'm looking forward to giving these a go.
I've played around with both the TSX & TTSX in my 280 & 25-06 for the last couple of years and one thing has been consistent with Barnes bullets...they liked to be seated deep. In both of my rifles, that's been to about the middle of the top band or about 0.100'' off the lands.
I'm at the band, in the band, and over the band for this next run.
The previous ones were way over, I mean way, way over the bands. Did I say they were way over the bands? :)
Vince":kzj6h1ot said:
I'm at the band, in the band, and over the band for this next run.
The previous ones were way over, I mean way, way over the bands. Did I say they were way over the bands? :)

So you're saying you're over the bands...and they are long bullets? I think that about covers it :mrgreen:.
M7025-06":1hsiiukw said:
Vince":1hsiiukw said:
I'm at the band, in the band, and over the band for this next run.
The previous ones were way over, I mean way, way over the bands. Did I say they were way over the bands? :)

So you're saying you're over the bands...and they are long bullets? I think that about covers it :mrgreen:.
I think so but let me check and get back to you.