Barrel shot out?

Savage99":1tr8tucx said:
"The method that I use now to recut a crown is to put this Dremel grinding bit
in a battery powered variable speed 3/8" drill.

I place the tapered wheel in the muzzle when its not rotating. Then I start the drill and turn it right off again. I leave the wheel lightly pressing into the crown the whole time.

That wheel is very course and remember that you can always cut it again if the first rip does not work.

I tried polishing the crowns with 400 paper set in at tapered wood dowel. It looks a little smoother but did not change the accuracy."

O Boy, an here i have been paying my benchrest gunsmith my hard earned money all these years to keep my barrels properly crowned when i could have used a cheap dremel tool. Thanks but no thanks, i don't want a dremel tool anywhere near my match grade barrels.
Crown? What crown? All gunbarrels here in the southeast wear a ball cap, preferably with a tobacco company logo!
Dont know how it shot after he did it, but Dad was ready to use his 7Mag as a tomato stake when after 30 years of hunting it started to group like you describe. He used "Wipe out" on it as directed several times before he was satisfirsd that all the cabon was out of it. wish I could tell you how it turned out but I dont know. Point is he kept a clean gun, used Hoppe's as well. A can of wipe out is cheap compared to a new barrel. Just a thought. Good luck- you are at a frustrating point. Of course, as noted I assume youve rounded up all the usual suspects, bedding, bolts etc. Let us know what you decide and how it works out. CL

PS I knew a guy who re-crowned a .22 w/ a hacksaw and a flat file. good thing its an automatic, he needs to "fire for affect" now. Nice pattern though..... :lol:
I am going to try to clean the bore with another cleaner to see what happens.

My main concern is not the accuracy lose, which is minimal, but it is with the velocity lose. Can a dirty barrel cause a lose in speed?


I don't know about a dirty barrel and speed, but I DO know you would have had to really abuse it to kill the throat in 800 rounds, even in a 7-mag. Did you run it really hot? If not, the barrel itself is probably fine... unless it has a chunk missing in the rifling or something??

No, I don't believe that I got it too hot but I could have and not realized it. The 800 or so shots have been spread out over 13 years mostly working up loads, sighting in and hunting. No serious target shooting. It just seemed to fall off all at once. If checked different powders and even checked my chrono and it is still OK.


Just a suggestion, you might want to take your rifle to a gunsmith or to anyone else that has a real bore scope, the ( Hawkeye Precision Borescope) With it you can see every crack an crevice in the barrel plus any copper or powder fouling. Usually a shot out barrel will look like alligator hide for the first few inches of the barrel.