BC for the 100 gr .257" E-Tip?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Is the BC for this bullet available? Looking at the new 100 gr E-Tip for my .25-06... Might just be one heck of an all-around bullet...

Available yet?

Thanks, Guy

I will try to get the BC for you. I believe that they are going to start running the 257 100 gr E-Tip pretty soon but will confirm.
I agree with you, this should be a great bullet.

I hope so, I e-mailed Nosler recently & they did not know as yet. I am hoping for a good BC#, the new tipped TSX was less than the regular, a real let down. This new e-tip could be a good way to go, esp. if you could practice & shoot varmits with the 100BT, but that's asking alot!!
Thanks JD - no real hurry, have a small stockpile of .257" bullets to see me through, but I do like the speed I can work up with a 100 gr bullet from the .25-06... :grin:

Plenty of good bullets avail for it,like nomosendero said, the E-Tip would be a nice alternative to the TSX... Light & fast, but tough enough and hopefully with good expansion characteristics.

Don't suppose they want to send me a box for me to try? :grin: I'll put 'em through the wringer out to 600 yards and also do a penetration/expansion test on 'em!
Once the tool up to run the 257 100 E-Tip, the BC will be determined and released.
