bench pics


Apr 16, 2007
I just got a house and the spare room will be for reloading/gun room.
can I get some pics of benches for when I build my own.
I have 9 foot of wall space set aside.
WOW...after seeing that pic I realize I have a long way to go :lol: Very nice looking setup, but there seems to be way too much bench space dedicated to the scatter guns :wink:
Very nice Mickey!

Mine is a work in progress, but here is what I have so far. Still need to support the middle of the bench and mount my presses. I also want to add some shelving/cabinet on the wall above the bench and add lighting.

Here's a picture of my "Handloading Closet" from a few years ago. Closet is still dedicated to loading, but I've added a few things since this pic was taken. I have the yellow akro bins mounted on the wall below the blue drawer unit, and I have a few more things crammed under, around, and beside the bench. I'm working on better storage areas right now, and on consolidating down from the big gallon size ice cream buckets to a bunch of plastic coffee cans I've saved (the square Maxwell House ones) and I should gain some space back by doing that. Lighting upgrades are also on the to-do list. But maybe it gives you some ideas. I'd like to add another shelf above the one over the bench, and may do that after hunting season, when I try to tackle the lighting issues. Overall, this setup is very workable.


Welcome to the forum.

That is one impressive reloading shop! Very nice.

Now, these pictures are making me feel quite chagrined. However, I live by the biblical adage, "Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean." It seems as if my bench is always in a state of organised chaos. My supply shelves, however, are quite a bit neater. Mickey, that space is enviable.
I was going to get mine cleaned off and get a pic as well, but I had family over for the holidays already. Remingtonman is always giving me crap about how cluttered my bench and room are. I just tell him I know everything is right where I left it. The floor has got a bit cleaner now that my 10 month old girl likes to come play with with things in there while I'm making bullets.
jmad_81":2oiq68fd said:
I was going to get mine cleaned off and get a pic as well, but I had family over for the holidays already. Remingtonman is always giving me crap about how cluttered my bench and room are. I just tell him I know everything is right where I left it. The floor has got a bit cleaner now that my 10 month old girl likes to come play with with things in there while I'm making bullets.

Jake, don't feel bad! I have the same issue. I need to get a cabinet to store powder, bullets and primers, but for now, they are all stacked on my 4x8ft bench top. It works for me. Just gotta keep my eye out for a proper shelving unit. Scotty
I had that for over 20 years now. It is covering the window so nobody can see in. My plans were to keep my guns in there, plywood on the walls, rebar every 12" in the walls, solid door....... to find out it's too damp in the basement. :cry: