Bighorn Rams today

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Cell phone photo take today while snowshoe hiking with one of my dogs.

Wish I'd had my good camera with me. Dang... :) Not far away at all!

Unlikely to draw a tag here in Washington before I'm in an old-folks home... So I'll hunt 'em with my camera.

They are definitely majestic animals. Good that you saw them, Guy; and better yet, that you shared the photo with us.
Rock throwing range, and I don't throw well.

Dog was going NUTS! :)

Guy, I bet you can't wait to get out on your hikes when you get to see wildlife like that.
Thank you for the photos :wink:!

Ya, it's funny, sometimes hiking here, I'll see little or no wildlife. Other times it's like hiking through a zoo!

Elk, deer, bear, moose... All pretty common. Along with coyotes. At some times of the year, the bighorn sheep are pretty easy to find.

Mountain goats are here, but typically in more remote areas. Still, it's funny, they will sometimes wander right into a backpacker's camp! Very curious animals, and not much real fear of humans. I don't have any photos of mountain goats. Need to work on that!

Eagles all winter. Osprey all summer. Rare weeks along the rivers and lakes in fall and spring when both species are present. That leads to some great aerial combat!

Huge flocks of ducks and geese... I'm not much of a waterfowl hunter, but I do like to see them.

I do enjoy my hikes, and even my bicycle rides here. Never know what is going to be seen. Often the animals are very tolerant of bicyclists - perhaps unsure exactly what they're looking at, but not identifying the cyclist as any form of threat. I'll often get close to mule deer while cross-country skiing as well.

Fantastic- Dad and I were almost that close to a bunch of bighorns in the Black hills when I was a kid. He said later that he considered picking up a rock as they were coming down the cliff toward us to check us out. Probably would have, but he was packing me on his back. Guy are those wind chargers or radio towers in the top of the picture? CL
Power line. This isn't far from a major hydro-electric dam. We make a lot of power here, along the Columbia.
Guy- was just curious. I'm a "power company brat". At least the lines aren't as ugly as a bunch of wind chargers. Those things kinda ruin the look of the skyline. Of course it is in theory, "clean power". That's good I guess. Every power generation form has its detractors and drawbacks I guess.

We still grow nice Bighorns in SD. A cousins Bighorn;

Would like to see them again. CL