Black lives matter kills people

I agree . if the numbers are right , this is an eye opener . thanks for posting this up .
Spot on. What a travesty that cowards and pussy-footers promote the myth that blacks are being targeted by white police. The entire movement is playing with matches while standing the midst of open cans of gas. There will be a spark that ignites a conflagration if they continue this stupidity.
DrMike":2jqwj2if said:
Spot on. What a travesty that cowards and pussy-footers promote the myth that blacks are being targeted by white police. The entire movement is playing with matches while standing the midst of open cans of gas. There will be a spark that ignites a conflagration if they continue this stupidity.
I do believe that is what they are trying to do and before the election so Martial law can be declared and Emperor Obama can take full control of the country.
Truck driver, I think you are quite correct. Something is afoot and certain things have been happening that have slowly been pushing us to a bad ending.
I'm more worried about the Battalion of Russian troops 43 miles from our boarder waiting to swoop down from the north along with all the middle east immigrants that were dumped on us before we knew they were coming. The Black lives matter is a movement of internal strife to camouflage what is really happening and I think it is a communist backed take over since the Clinton's had communist ties before he became president and There's no doubt about Obama either or the rest of the democratic party. It all reminds me of a move called RED DAWN coming to be a true story written played before it happened.
When our Instigator in Chief was a poor slob in Chicago, he worked for the ACORN Organization, where they were door to door in low income neighborhoods stirring the crap pot, and getting people to riot, and march for their specific ideals, or views.
He has been doing nothing more than that as our President.
He doesn't care about poor people in Louisiana, as he plays 18 holes of golf on the taxpayers dollar.
He has been the President that will go down in history who has taken more vacations than any other sitting President.
What a legacy!

HawkeyeSATX a.k.a. Bryce
The so called Black Lives Matters movement doesn't concern itself with inner city gangs that ravage their own community, and with the taking of lives by the street scum that pillage and plunder, and kill innocent bystanders with the spray and pray mentality of the drug and gang kingpins.
It's completely hypocritical on their part, for also not fighting against the tyranny that is from big city politicians ideas of urban gun control, and keeping a sensible way for decent citizens to protect themselves, or others.
It's just a ploy to stir more crap up, to keep everyone distracted from the real issues.

HawkeyeSATX a.k.a. Bryce