Boatail vs. flatbase


Sep 11, 2009
Want to get others opinions on a boatail bullet vs. a flatbase bullet. I know the boatail gives the bullet a higher ballistic coefficient, but at what range do you think this comes into play? I am thinking the boattal design starts to help at ranges beyond 300yds. I have one other boatail bullet I would like to try, but my rifle seems to shoot flatbase bullets a little tighter.
From normal hunting situation where shot are less than 400 yards, your better served with flatbase bullet. It's easy to find an accurate load from a flatbase bullet than from a boatail. Flat base bullet will hold together better on impact than a boatail. For longrange work however, boatail is the way to go.
It's been written by experts "Wayne Van Zwoll" that the boat tail only assists when the bullet becomes sub-sonic. Under 1100 FPS. That being the case it's probably not going to benefit us much unless we are shooting 800+ yards or so depending on velocity. It's also said flat bases are more accurate because of the ballance and surface contact that keeps the bullet heel straight as it leaves the barrel crown. Just what I've read from the experts books.
+1 DF.
Somewhere around 300-400 yards is generally the crossover point where the benefits of a BT outweigh the disadvantages.
Some rifles just will not shoot BT bullets. I have a Shilen barreled 25-06 that will not shoot BT bullets at all. It will put five 117 Sierra FB bullets into 1" all day long at 300 yards though. Also there are different styles of Boat tails. The style on the Nosler ballistic tip seems to shoot a little better in most rifles. I agree that you need to get over 300 yards to start seeing any difference between BT and FB bullets.
A boat tail design starts to shine out past 400 yds.
