Burris bad! Redfield Good??

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I have a dilemma! My Rem 673 with sights excepts a scope of up to 35mm with 3" or less objective bell length.
Solution (1) Buy a Burris 2-7x35 Bal. Plx. ($169)
Result (1) One of the lenses flipped over sideways on the first shot. HMMMMMM!!
Solution (2) Buy a Leupold 3-9x33 LR ret. ($326) Ouch
Solution (3) Buy a Redfield 2-7x33 Accutrac ret. ($159) ????
Solution (4) Any Ideas
Yeah....took m years of So, so Bushnells and years of saving change to afford the one Leupold I own. I feel your pain, but no regrets. Save for the Luey. I might break down and try a redfield though myself. CL
#4 Go Leupold, but the standard VX II 2-7x33. Not a big fan of the 3-9 Compact. Or, the Leupy Custom Shop just introduced a straight 3x... that'd be cool. I thought about ordering one, but have no idea what I'd put it on.
Save yourself a ton of aggravation and buy the Leupold. Peace of mind is worth a lot.
Leupold is the best scope that you have listed. Also an awesome scope for the money is the vortex viper. I also have a redfield on my 280 that i just love.

Did you get the Leupold?
I mounted a Vari X III 2.5-8x36mm on my M673. I had to use a shoe horn but it fits perfectly, snugged up behind the rear sight on the rib.

Have a redfield revolution 4-12x40mm on my 300 win mag. Has held up so far. Probably put 150 rounds through it. And redfiled is OWNED by Leupold if any one is interested. They built the factory right next door!
I have owned all the scopes you mentioned. the only scope problem I have ever had was with a leupold. I sent it in asking them to fix it..within 5 days they sent me a NEW scope rather than fix the old one. I think all you mention are good scopes, but you can't beat Leupold for service and the peace of mind that if it ain't broke, it won't be and if it is, they will take care of it, no questions asked.
Go with the Redfield. You can't beat the scope for the price, it's made in Beaverton, OR (by Leupold), and carries a "forever warranty". I own 15 Leupold's, and now 2 of the new Redfield's - absolutely love them all. You're dealing with the same quality, company, and service, so why not try the Redfield?
I have the Redfield 2-7 standard reticle a 06 carbine and so far really like the scope.But you can't go wrong with a Leupold either.
Entry level Burris scopes and then one you mentioned are no longer made in the USA. You have to step up to the upper levels to get a usa made burris. Signature, black diamond, etc etc

Leupold is awesome. However once again all Leupolds are not 100 percent USA. They might be made here but the glass is imported or something like that.

The modern day Redfield is 100 percent US made and they have that typical no hassle warranty. I am currently putting one through its paces and so far it is doing awesome.
Since Leupold and Redfield are one in the same, I have a hard time believing that Leupold's budget line was 100% American made when the top-of-the-line Leupys use imported parts and are assembled in Beaverton.

But I've been wrong before. Once. In the late '80s.

And Chuck Norris trains with me.