Chukar, bighorn, coyote & mule deer

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
My apologies for the cell-phone photos. I left my decent camera at home. Please remind me to not do that again.

What a great day! Took my shotgun for a walk. Flushed some huns, but I wasn't ready. Doggone it. Had barely cleared the Jeep! Away they flew. Walked another mile. Flushed some chukar. Two shots, dropped one. The Beretta is my worst looking, best shooting shotgun.

Saw horns! Bighorns. Can you see him?

He was not fond of my approach.

But he led my eyes to several of his friends:

Also I came across a good mature mule deer buck. Too quick for my camera. Where was he last week during the season when I hunted this same ground?

And, I spotted a coyote hunting, at 150 yards. Armed with but a 12 gauge and a .45, he was safe. For a bit. He headed towards me on his hunt. Pausing to spring on the occasional mouse. I froze, downwind of him. He came closer. Absorbed in his hunt. I was too impatient and moved closer. Got within 50 yards and was about to pull the trigger when he sensed me somehow, and vanished. Perhaps next time.

It was a good day in the hills.

Sounds like a great day Guy. Nice pics for a cell phone camera. You hunt in some amazing country. Thank you for sharing.
A day like that washes away a lot of care and concern; it is vital for the soul. Good report, Guy.
Guy, we all need those types of days just to unwind. Thanks for the photos and post :)

Just the get-away I needed after today, Guy. Thanks for sharing. Hope that coyote crosses your path again.
Sure do got the life Guy. Beautiful country you got out there, im envious.

What shotgun is that you have?
Glad you guys enjoyed. I really should have taken the better camera doggone it. Was away from the Jeep for three hours, and kept stumbling into cool stuff. Like the bighorn ram.

That's a 12 ga Beretta 390. It makes me look like a much better wing shot than I really am. I think it's the worst looking gun I own, with that black plastic stock and some kind of rough, black metal finish. But man does it shoot! Virtually no recoil either. I like that.
