Cougar Population Must be Pretty Healthy There


When I hunted BC several years ago (with a guide), and never saw an elk, I was hunting northwest of there. I am guessing about 40 miles. Very pretty country. I did see probably the largest black bear I have ever seen, on that trip.
I am surprised you didn't see elk in that area, Bill. The southeastern part of the province is well populated with elk. There are some brutes there. We have a good bear population and a good elk population. The black bears here don't seem to be massive, though some fine specimen do pop up with some regularity.
Quite a few years ago I was working for a major power company here in Md and got to see my first wild Cougar/ Mt Lion on their property along the Potomac River. She had a pair of cubs with her and she was feeding them on the heavy deer population on the property till we ran her off with too much activity in the area. I saw her standing out side my Office at 2am one mourning and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck even though I was in a pick up truck and was armed with my service revolver. She was one big cat, I couldn't cover here tracks with my hand spread as wide as I could get it After that I also carried a short barreled 12ga loaded with OO buck when out on patrol. :mrgreen:
A lion hunt on Vancouver Island or the mainland would be near the top of my list for hunts.. They are some beautiful animals and man, their meat is delicious. Just about like the finest pork you could eat.
Hi Guys approximately 25 years ago I was hunting bear on the North Saskatchewan river at the north end of Tobin lake. The place was called I can't call it that anymore because it is not politically correct :(. I was sitting one evening on a cut with a bait barrel directly across from me. I heard a noise behind me and I was sure I was going to see my first bear. Well right underneath my stand a cougar walked out cross the cut and circled the bait barrel once, he then slipped back into the forest.
That is the only time I have been in contact with one. Every evening after hunting we would eat supper and the game warden would join us for supper or a beer when I mentioned it to him he advised that there were only 3 or 4 in the area between where we were a village called Cumberland House. They are protected here in Saskatchewan unless they pose a threat or endangerment to human life or farm animals.
