CT Bullets


May 26, 2012
I picked up some Combined Technology Nosler Bullets today to try in my .338 Win Mag.
Any words of advice? I'm looking to use them in place of a ballistic tip for deer and antelope sized game. I learned last year that the ballistic tip favors being seated close to the lands as a general rule and the Accubonds tend to favor more bullet jump. What's the general rule of thumb for these bullets? Also, given they have some space age coating on the bullet what do I need to do to my rifle to prepare to shoot these?
Thank you in advance for your help.


I will be strong again!
Shouldn't need a thing to prep for. Ct bullets are a lubalox coated ballistic tip. Loading for these should be no different than the standard bt.
The best way to prepare to shoot them is to load them. Seriously, they are a fine product that performs very well indeed.

The 338 200 gr BST is an excellent bullet that is well suited for deer, antelope as well as elk and moose. Load it just as you would the BT. Start at just under the max magazine length and keep seating deeper by .005 until you find the sweet spot for your rifle.
RL19 and RL22 would be good powders to start with.

RL19 will easily get the up over the 3050 mark. They are very accurate in the few 338's I've ran them in.