Damage Deer Down

Interesting Don. Just out of curiosity, does he kill many deer? 🤔 🤣

Honest to God I have crossed the canyon many times to help him out and found him scouring the ground looking for more arrowheads. I can think of at least 1/2 dozen times over the 1/2 century we have hunted together arrowheads were uncovered while we quartered his deer. On reflection three of those deer died in the same little basin. It was Paiute country.
This is actually my fifth mule deer with the Bergers. Three with the 115 grain VLD back in 2008/2009. Then a long gap as I switched to Ballistic Tips almost exclusively for 25 and 30 cal. Then in 2021 I took a fat 3x3 muley at 250 yards with a 180 gr Berger Elite Hunter from my 30-06, then this one with the 140 Elite Hunter. Every doggone one of those deer dropped instantly. A couple required a finishing shot, but never moved after the first hit.

First shot on this one took off about 1/3 of her heart and dropped her instantly but somehow she was still alive. So I shot her again, taking the lungs. That finished her.

I've shot mule deer with them through the ribs, like with this one. Destroys some rib meat but that's all. I've shot one buck through the shoulder blade with a little 115 gr Berger VLD. Took out both lungs and broke the off-side shoulder blade as well. They tend to penetrate a few inches, then once inside the chest cavity they expand and even fragment rapidly.

They're controversial, I get that. But I've had good results on deer with them. Disclaimer, I was given the bullets to try, and to report on their performance. That said, I call 'em the way it happens.

Regards, Guy
I have a box of VLD Hunt in 6.5 140 grain, but never tried them on game. I just need to try it in the Creed one day.
Nice shooting!

Navy? Marine Corps? After 4 years in the Navy the realized I over 6' tall so the released me from active duty and said: "Go join the Coast Guard." So I did for 26 years. I was going to join the Marine Corps until they found out my parents were married when I was conceived!
Almost felt bad for the deer, all the deer, when I skinned her out. So little fat!

I'd never hunted deer so deep into the winter, it's still a month until spring is officially here, and it may be quite a while after that before food is abundant. Those deer are homing in on the orchard for survival. We built farms and towns in their traditional lowland wintering areas and they still come down to be out of the deep snow and to find food.

At any rate, I've never seen a deer with so little fat. Sigh... Deer need to eat. Orchardist needs to grow trees so his family can eat. Old hunters need to eat. Makes for interesting thoughts.

Congrats on the hunt. I like my straps wrapped in bacon gives it some fat for extra taste. Also don’t stop moving although watching you on ultimate reloader and reading posts I don’t think you do. That the killer as you get older. Need to stretch and do some exercising to stay mobile.
Congrats on the hunt. I like my straps wrapped in bacon gives it some fat for extra taste. Also don’t stop moving although watching you on ultimate reloader and reading posts I don’t think you do. That the killer as you get older. Need to stretch and do some exercising to stay mobile.
I've tried to stay active. These days the workout is usually something like:

30 minutes on a good rowing machine (basically zero impact, good cardio, good strength builder, nearly full-body workout)

30 minutes or so of "strength training" which includes a lot of stretching too. I've stopped with the real heavy weights, just using 30# dumbbells, pushups, crunches etc...

Near daily walk with the dog, usually between 4 - 8 miles anymore. Sometimes in town, sometimes in the hills. He likes it better when we're up in the hills, so do I.

I try to get the rowing machine and the strength training in at least 3-4 times a week. Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn't.

Regards, Guy