Deer taken down by 17 HMR

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Jul 29, 2008

Got my first deer with my 17 HMR at about 125 yards i hit her in the head and she dropped on the spot. When we get about 5 feet away from it it jumps up and starts running in circles and i shoot her again and she trips and falls and then gets back up and starts chasing after my brother and then she falls again and i shoot her again and she gets back up again and i hit her in the lungs that time and she falls and tries to get back up but she couldn't get back up so we walked up to it and i shot her again to make sure she was dead. And that was the end of her. i hit her in the head 4 times in the lungs once and i know your going to laugh but i hit her in the butt on accident lol. Overall it was a great Hunt
Who needs cape buffalo when you can enjoy the thrill of the chase at home? Congrats on the deer and I'll bet it's good eating too.
Good Hunting
I'd be careful about posting something illegal and unethical on a public forum and hopefully there isn't a "next time".
I would have loved to have seen it chase his brother :grin: I would love to have had a video of the entire event, I know it would have been a hoot :lol: :lol:
YoteSmoker":3tx9dipg said:
I'd be careful about posting something illegal and unethical on a public forum and hopefully there isn't a "next time".
what is illegal about it i am just wondering because you can use a 17 cal through as big as you want up here in Montana
i think i did make her mad lol. she should be some good eatin to. i wish that i would of got the whole thing on video to lol.
I stand corrected on your state's legalaties of calibers, however for muzzleloading .45 is minimum cal allowed. I'm glad you got your deer even though it took 4 head shots. Congrats on your first deer and I hope you get a bigger gun under the tree next month!
YoteSmoker":3i02915k said:
I stand corrected on your state's legalaties of calibers, however for muzzleloading .45 is minimum cal allowed. I'm glad you got your deer even though it took 4 head shots. Congrats on your first deer and I hope you get a bigger gun under the tree next month!
thank you yea i have bigger guns but they were not ready yet or else i would have used it
I would questing the ethics of someone shooting a caliber that is too small for a clean kill in the zone they were shooting. My humble opinion is that the 17 is too small for deer hunting. I would not have let you hunt on my ranch with that gun. I have seen deer shot in the head with a .17 and run away. Saw an Elk shot in the next with a .44 mag loaded with hollowpoints, fall onto its back and then get up and run off.

If you did not know, then you should learn more about penetration and kill zones, bullets, calibers, etc...

IMHO, we owe it to our sport and the animal to know the game, know the weapon, including cartridge, and practice to ensure a clean as-painless-as-possible kill. Too many antis and people in the middle to do anything else.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but there around around 25% of us that hunt, 25% or so are anti, and the middle votes on our hunting rights and privileges. All of us have to be ambassadors for hunting, or we can lose the people in the middle that don't mind hunting, but will absolutely hate it if we are not very clean with our ethics.
hardpan":3ru78dh1 said:
I would questing the ethics of someone shooting a caliber that is too small for a clean kill in the zone they were shooting. My humble opinion is that the 17 is too small for deer hunting. I would not have let you hunt on my ranch with that gun. I have seen deer shot in the head with a .17 and run away. Saw an Elk shot in the next with a .44 mag loaded with hollowpoints, fall onto its back and then get up and run off.

If you did not know, then you should learn more about penetration and kill zones, bullets, calibers, etc...

IMHO, we owe it to our sport and the animal to know the game, know the weapon, including cartridge, and practice to ensure a clean as-painless-as-possible kill. Too many antis and people in the middle to do anything else.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but there around around 25% of us that hunt, 25% or so are anti, and the middle votes on our hunting rights and privileges. All of us have to be ambassadors for hunting, or we can lose the people in the middle that don't mind hunting, but will absolutely hate it if we are not very clean with our ethics.


I am surprised that a rim fire cartridge is legal for big game hunting anywhere!

I would questing the ethics of someone shooting a caliber that is too small for a clean kill in the zone they were shooting. My humble opinion is that the 17 is too small for deer hunting. I would not have let you hunt on my ranch with that gun. I have seen deer shot in the head with a .17 and run away. Saw an Elk shot in the next with a .44 mag loaded with hollowpoints, fall onto its back and then get up and run off.

If you did not know, then you should learn more about penetration and kill zones, bullets, calibers, etc...

IMHO, we owe it to our sport and the animal to know the game, know the weapon, including cartridge, and practice to ensure a clean as-painless-as-possible kill. Too many antis and people in the middle to do anything else.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but there around around 25% of us that hunt, 25% or so are anti, and the middle votes on our hunting rights and privileges. All of us have to be ambassadors for hunting, or we can lose the people in the middle that don't mind hunting, but will absolutely hate it if we are not very clean with our ethics.

Hardpan said it very well. The description of the death of the deer is deeply disturbing. To be certain, the game was not respected. Use a bigger calibre or quit hunting!

I'm not trying to flame you. However, you need to consider that the rifle you used is inadequate for a clean kill.
I agree with DrMike & Hardpan we have to use ethical hunting methods.
It is a privilege and joy to get out hunting and a bonus if we put game on the table.
I hope that you buy a larger caliber rifle and enjoy this sport.

I agree with Hardpan, Dr. Mike & SaskBoy 1000%.

Sorry Quentin, but it aint ethically right in my book to shoot a big game animal that distance with a rimfire, regardless of it considerd a legal firearm or not.

Legal or not, as a hunter you have an ethical obligation to the game your pursuing to make the best shot you can to dispatch the game in the most humane way possible. Please endeavor to do such next time.

In closing, I apologize if this may be harsh, but you sure as heck did not make a wise choice(s). I really cant say here what I would really like to say or had done, had I witnessed this.

I certainly hope you reconsider your post and remove it, it is not something to be boasting about, nor promoting.

Also, I would suggest to the moderators to remove this post for the simple fact that Nosler, the sponsering member of this board would/should not approve of this type of post, less it be construed as promotion of unethical hunting practices...

Uff, I am steamed. It Aint Right!!!!

Rod Vigstol
You may find it amusing, but most wild animals are dangerous game when they are wounded and fighting to survive. Have some respect for you quarry.

IF it was a matter of survival a 17 would have to work(ie plane crash or similar), but for sport hunting use something adequate.

If I recall correctly some states prohibit firearms in personal light aircraft altogather and some still may allow a rimfire or shotgun in places like Alaska for survival. That is why I offered that as a possiblity.

In any case, check regulations and don't take my word for it.

Going to have to agree with everybody else on this one. I don't even use a .17 of any kind on yotes. I know people that have killed deer with a .17, but that doesn't make it right. In Oregon it is illegal to use anything less than a .224 centerfire for deer, and I think that is to small. If I was a deer, or any game critter for that matter, I would not want to go that way.

People should take pride in clean, quick, one shot kills. If your gear is not ready don't go until it is!
I read this yesterday and did not respond for fear of saying something I shouldn't say on a public forum.

If your State (and I do not know what state you were hunting in) allows the use of Rimfires for Deer Hunting, they need a wake up call as well. Every year on another forum there is someone posting about wanting to use a .22 LR for Coyotes. Well I am hear to tell you a .22 LR will kill a Coyote BUT it is not a Coyote Hunting Cartridge in the true sense of the word.

The same can be said for the .17 Rimfires also. I think you proved that with 4 hits to the head and all you did was make that doe mad. Consider yourself lucky that neither you nor your brother didn't get injurred.

I would have to agree with Rod that this should post should be removed as it is not something that the anti hunters / animal huggers need to get ahold of and pass all over the country to the wrong people.

There I said my peace.

I agree fully with you fellas and have addressed this topic with Nosler.

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