different seating deapths ?????


Mar 13, 2009
so im loading some rounds for my 30/06 and i noticed that when seating my bullets ( 165gr particians )there seating at different deapths any where from .002 ta .004 difference,,, i looked at one of the bullets after seating and saw a ring about 1/4'' from the tip ,, im taking my measurements from the ogive,, i understand that the bullets my be different lengths but if the die would set the bullets at the ogive instead of some pre determind length from the tip i wouldnt have to adjust the die on every bullet to get the same seating deapth,,,, is there a seating die that seats from the ogive,, or does RCBS make a different seating stem to seat from the ogive ?????
If that is what you are looking for you need a collet seating die. The seating dies in the Hornady die sets are collet dies. I believe the lee dies are also but I hate their service and especially the worthless so-called lock ring they have. The couple of dies I have from them I replaced the lee ring with a split ring from RCBS/Hornady/Redding/Lyman. So buy the time you buy rings you have about the same in them as one of the other companies which will stand behind their product unlike lee.
End of Rant
if you are using these rounds for hunting, you should be fine with what you have. your POI will not change all that much that you will miss the so called "kill Zone" on a animal.

on the other hand if you want to be really precise then buy yourself a bench-rest seating die. I noticed the same as you with my RCBS dies and decided to replace with something else. So I bought the Forester dies I like them really well. The set for F/L and Seating cost somewhere around $60.00

Their seating dies have a sleeve to keep the bullet aligned to help in reducing bullet run out.
these are hunting rounds,, but i would like the bullets to seat at the same deapth every time when using that paticular bullet,,
maybe im just to picky :wink:
If you're just interested in that one particular bullet, you might contact RCBS and see if they make a seating plug for that bullet profile. I know they do some alternate plugs in pistol calibers, but I'm not sure about rifle. Or, you could find a good machine shop that could turn a seating plug for you, for not much money (relatively speaking). I'm not sure, but it would likely rival the cost of Forster dies, which I've also heard are the cat's pajamas as far as seating goes. I like my Hornady dies, too, and have not had the same issues with them as I'd had with other brands of dies.

Lee dies have a solid seating stem, by the way, and they require near constant adjustment to maintain seating depth. You do get what you pay for.