Doc Mike, a logistics question


Dec 14, 2008
I went to the range today, and schlepped along five rifles. There has to be a better way to get them from the truck to the bench than just hauling five soft cases, along with my range bag, camera, two phones, Big Gulp, Carhartt jacket, targets, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree, carrying all a once. I imagine you've been known to pack along a few shootin' irons at once, what's the secret? Cart? Just multiple trips?
Kurt, no secret. I am forced to make multiple trips. Then, I'm usually able to park without fifteen steps of the rack. Thus, it is not a major problem. I seldom go to the range with less than five rifles. I have had more than ten at times. My truck can be loaded to the roof with sand bags, cleaning gear, rifles, etc. My wife often helps me carry it all in when I come home.
Make yourself a cart that will tote'em. I've seen carts at action shooting events that were impressive. You could probable start with a small say 12' u-hual type trailer and go from there :grin: