
May 26, 2012
This close to the election and the D.O.D. puts out a directive authorizing lethal force against U.S.Citizens.

If I’m reading it correctly the Director of the agency is the one that can authorize this. So we have an unelected bureaucrat that can authorize lethal force against citizens of the country in times of “civil unrest “. We are fast becoming a banana republic.

I thought the Bundy Standoff would be the trigger but it wasn’t. I do see national unrest happening and this might be what triggers it when some of our military fires on American citizens. I’ve felt for years that this country was due for a shakeup.

Sadly the feds will win again as they did in the War Of Northern Aggression and freedom, and American values, will be lost forever. For years I’ve said that democrats are nothing more than socialists and that’s just a polite way of saying communist.

We are headed down the crapper. I’d much rather this country be split up into three or four countries aligned along political ideological beliefs. I myself have strongly held Constitutional Conservative beliefs that hasn’t been well represented since before I was born. The power belongs to the states not a centralized political bureau, Washington D.C..

Given how the communist, democrats, have tried to paint the events of January 6 as treason and an attempt to overthrow our democratic republic I do not trust them with this directive. We’ve destroyed ourselves from within by letting the grade school kids who used to get bullied in school grow up to lead our country.

Vince, if Trump wins the presidency (which I certainly hope he does) we are going to have problems. They've already tried to kill him on numerous occasions and that won't end once he is in office. Our major problem are the people themselves. To get enough citizens to fight for what is right is going to be an uphill battle.
Vince, if Trump wins the presidency (which I certainly hope he does) we are going to have problems. They've already tried to kill him on numerous occasions and that won't end once he is in office. Our major problem are the people themselves. To get enough citizens to fight for what is right is going to be an uphill battle.
I concur.
I think the federal government will sadly win because any opposition to them will be too divided doing their own thing to overthrow the tyranny we’ve allowed to flourish.
I’d love to be wrong.

"Given how the communist, democrats, have tried to paint the events of January 6 as treason and an attempt to overthrow our democratic republic I do not trust them with this directive."

I really do not like the term, "democratic" in its most common usage. It sounds too much like the Peoples Democratic Republic of China or some other communist country. I don't remember when I first noticed that the democrats changed the name from democrat party to democratIC Party but that's probably when they finally came out of the closet as full blown communists. I fear the sheeple will have a very rude awakening in the not very distant future. If civil war should occur, the Norks, Red China and Russia are just waiting to pick up the pieces and divide the booty.
Paul B.