Dove Hunting with Matt


Aug 2, 2007
I thought it would be a boring Saturday after getting back from the beach. The first time in years that I didn't plant sunflowers in a game plot or have somewhere to go hunt doves. Got a call late Saturday afternoon from a buddy that had a cut corn field full of birds. I still had to get online and get my hunting license and get my mess together :oops: As I was getting everything together, I asked my 4 year old Matthew if he wanted to go. Surprisingly he said yes even though he was whipped from the week at the beach. We only had about 2 hours to hunt but we had fun. Daddy should have got about 10 but I did my best and got 5. Matt had fun watching me "Shoot them in the lips" and give them "A dirt nap" as he would say! Gonna try and take him again Monday after work.


That is just too cool, Brian. Good for Matt going with you. Give some more a dirt nap tomorrow.
It's days like that, spent with Dad that will stick in their minds forever. Keep making those memories.
Man, that is AWESOME Brian! Looks like he had a blast! Great shooting, you are much better than I to hit them little birds with a scatter gun. I might better throw rocks, I would probably do better! Scotty
That's a cute little guy you have there, must be fun to experience hunting with him.
Thanks guys. I thought I was throwing rocks at a few of those little suckers! I did take a long shot at one and got him at 52 paces :shock: Modified choke and heavy 1 1/8 #8 shot got it done.
Fun stuff indeed! I haven't been dove hunting in a long time.

Good job.
Dove hunting has always been fun for me especially in a hot field. When the birds are coming in the field 20-30 at a time! Whoa! I will make sure that I get my bird plot planted next year. Gotta make sure I have a spot for Scotty to throw rocks and room for any other forum member that may pass through :wink:
Dad and a couple of his buddies went dove, pigeon and duck hunting in Argentina a few years back. Unbelievable amounts of birds!

I'd have to ask him again, but I believe Dad went through over 1,000 shells on one hot day of dove shooting down there... Maybe it was 800. I don't remember. I know that he went through thousands of shells and took thousands of birds over a few days. He took a pair of Beretta 390 semi-auto shotguns with him. A kid would clean one gun while he was shooting the other. Apparently the ammo avail there fouls them up pretty bad. More youngsters were "bird boys" and would run out and gather up the fallen dove.

The local town/village gets all the birds the hunters kill - so they don't go to waste. Amazing stories of the bird hunting there. Dad's buddy and son keep going back, but Dad didn't like the long airplane flight, first to Miami, then to Argentina, so he's not been back. He did give me one of the Beretta 390's though, and it's proven to be a great field gun.

I've never seen wing shooting like that. Generally have trouble filling my limit, but yes, dove hunting is incredibly fun stuff - just like you describe - when they're coming in to a hot field. It can be amazing!

Again, good on you for taking your son - that's great stuff!

I have found Sunflowers to be the best food source to hunt over. We can plant just over an acre and it is amazing the amount of birds the it can pull. We also have a gravel road and two large ponds next to the bird plot. You can have a great shoot if you can hunt near the big three of food, gravel, and water.
Talked to a few people that have been on South American bird hunts. Benelli shotgun forearms so hot they had to trade between two and three of them because of how much they were shooting. Sounds like alot of fun but that is a long plane ride and a good chunk of change for dove and duck hunting.
I admire anyone that can consistently shoot dove. The aerobatics are impressive with those little critters. Shooting them in the lips can be tough, and when they come jinking in, they can humble some fine shooters.
DrMike":1ddjm6al said:
Shooting them in the lips can be tough, and when they come jinking in, they can humble some fine shooters.

You haven't seen Brian with a scattergun! Lips are a big target to him!

I am kinda surprised he didn't use the RUM, in order to burn the feathers right off them to prepare them for the pan! Scotty
beretzs":2j6u32ev said:
DrMike":2j6u32ev said:
Shooting them in the lips can be tough, and when they come jinking in, they can humble some fine shooters.

You haven't seen Brian with a scattergun! Lips are a big target to him!

I am kinda surprised he didn't use the RUM, in order to burn the feathers right off them to prepare them for the pan! Scotty
:lol: :lol: :lol: I need to write a book with quotes from you guys on the RUM! Stop being haters :mrgreen:
Woodycreek":3j3pznxv said:
beretzs":3j3pznxv said:
DrMike":3j3pznxv said:
Shooting them in the lips can be tough, and when they come jinking in, they can humble some fine shooters.

You haven't seen Brian with a scattergun! Lips are a big target to him!

I am kinda surprised he didn't use the RUM, in order to burn the feathers right off them to prepare them for the pan! Scotty
:lol: :lol: :lol: I need to write a book with quotes from you guys on the RUM! Stop being haters :mrgreen:

Now that would be funny!
Matthew and me went back out Monday afternoon and got our limit in just over two hours. 36 shots and 15 birds. Taking the pic of Matthew and Tank took more effort than shooting the doves. Matthew was wrestling Tank to keep him from eating the birds. He got one and the chase was on and ugly :mrgreen:


Great pictures, Brian. Man, I miss the little ones. I know they can be a lot of work, but the memories are definitely worth every moment of work.
Matt had a great two days of dove hunting. I'm lucky that he is laid back and will go with the flow. Now the dog is a different story.