Dressing up the 300 RUM



Got a new BDL Stock the other month from Ridge Runner for the RUM. It's beautiful. Dropped it off at the Gun Smith today. Getting her Glass Bedded, Free floated and Pillars installed. He will be rebuilding the trigger and setting it to 3lbs. I'm somewhere near 3.5-3.75 lbs currently. It will be smooth for sure now. Even with the trigger as it is I was managing to shoot good groups.
Getting it ready for Colorado this Fall. :mrgreen:

Can't wait to get it back a crank out a few rounds. I should have it back in 10-days.


Thats great. Pillar bedding will make for a solid action mount to the stock. Let us know how she shoots once you get her home.

Thanks JD,
I was hearing so much from all you guys about the pillars, thought it would make things more solid, especially with a RUM. The old stock was bedded too, just this ones gives a better look being darker in color. A nice step up from what I had originally. I'm anxious to see how the trigger turns out as well. Will give a report when it happens.

Dang you said dressing up the 300 RUM and I expected to read that you'd rebored the tube for a .338 cal bullet and made yourself a .338 Edge!

Sorry... I just couldn't resist ;) !

Sounds like you got yourself some great mods to make 'er shoot to her full potential!
I don't have any knowledge about the 338 Edge but I'm sure it's a good one. I do know the 338 RUM is a fierce cartridge and often wondered what it would be like to shoot one vs. the 300 RUM I own.
Sending a 225 AccuBond down range with some of the velocities I've read is impressive.

Sounds like a accurate rifle in the making and the beauty of wood. I'm starting to appreciate wood a lot more and have switched a few from synthetic. That pillar bedding ought to help the accuracy and a trigger job, well, that ought to be the frosting on the cake. A 300 RUM in a BDL stock, A T-Rex in a tuxedo :wink:
You will remember to post pics when you get it back, right? :grin:
Greg Nolan":2tru7tn8 said:
. A 300 RUM in a BDL stock, A T-Rex in a tuxedo :wink:

Now that is new! I like that!

Pillar bedding is so darned easy most of the time, it is almost hard to not do it. After working through it with the CDL I had, I think it makes an awesome platform for the rifle and just makes getting the actions screws tight, really easy. No guess work, just tighten till they are snug and off you go. Repeatable and consistent. Triggers are a thing of beauty when they are tuned up nice. Scotty
Thanks for the feed back everyone,

If you reference an earlier thread I posted, 300 Ultra Mag Load Reduction, you will see a pic posted where I shot my best 3-shot group ever, measured .442 in size.

I have hopes to repeat shooting groups as posted. Something I continually strive for, guess I'm somewhat anal about it.

I promise, I will post results and submit a Range report.

Looking forward to them Don. If all else fails, you always have that Whelen to back you up! Scotty
You know it my friend, you know it. :mrgreen:

Had a lot of fun a few years ago with a .300 RUM in a 700 CDL. Was quite a rifle, and achieved some very good velocity with good accuracy. It responded very well to a stiff dose of Retumbo and a 200 grain bullet. Heck, even some factory 200 gr ammo I had (Partitions) zipped across the chronograph at 3200 fps!

It was a little more cartridge than I wanted in such a light rifle - had just sort of stumbled into it. Enjoyed it, but I never hunted with it. Passed it on to a tough young fellow. Better match for the rifle! Had I kept it, a muzzle brake was almost inevitable. Good looking, good shooting rifle though, no doubt.

Enjoy that BDL of yours! Regards, Guy
Thanks Guy,
This gun is a re-barreled 7mm Rem Mag. I had it ported back then too. The gun weighs about 10-11lbs total. I love shooting the thing. I had so much fun shooting it last year prone, off the bi-pod, at 275 yards before heading to Colorado to Hunt. The porting has some disadvantages due to the noise factor when shooting at game. I manage that by keeping ear plugs handy while hunting. When shooting open fields I shoot without the ears plugs as the noise is disapated enough.
Nice thing about the 300 Ultra Mag is one can load about any weight bullet, reduce the load or up the load to shoot about anything.
