Dyna Tek Reviews?


Oct 29, 2013
I was wondering if any/many of you fine gentlemen have used the Bore Coat and Gun Shield products from Dyna Tek. If so your thoughts and experiences with it would be appreciated.
I'm looking at them more for protectants than the reduction of fouling though I hear that is an added benefit.
I live in a fairly humid environment and am starting to have some small issues with my non stainless rifles in storage even though I keep them clean and oiled, or so I thought. On that I'm also switching to something else as far as oil is concerned as I'm definitely not happy with the products I've been using at the moment.
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Alaska eats guns it seems. Don’t know your product but offer encouragement to stay with it. Keep it clean and oiled.
I used it following a series of Tubbs bullets and now you can almost remove fouling by talking mean to it. I'd imagine it provides a good level of protection from the enviorment, too
I've tried it in 3 different barrels. 1 made a noticeable difference. 1 so so and jury still out on the last one as I haven't shot it much. Dan.
Would you mind revealing the issues you are having?
Just some small surface rust issues and one spot in one of my barrels. Not bad on anything though not pleasing either. It's actually only occurring on 2 rifles, one I've had for years and one is new in the last couple months. Just happened to catch them on their monthly checkup. It's strange because I treat them all the same but again it's just these 2. It's been taken care of for the time being but was just looking at options for protectants that I could do at home.