E-tip bullet jump distance



Loading for the 300 Ultra Mag. Using 180 E-Tips. Measured distance to Lands got 4.195 off the ogive. Seated the bullet to 3.992 off the ogive. Is this an acceptable starting distance for the e-tip? Feed back please. :)

My .25-06 liked the 100 Etip .025" off the lands... don't know if that's common or not. I think JD shoots his in the .050" off neighborhood. Either way... the rifle will let you know what it prefers.
My distance difference if I'm subtracting correctly would be 0.203 off the lands. With that I'm pretty much the length of the Magazine. Maybe could tweak it ever so little.


Most have found .100" off the lands has given the best accuracy.
In the case of my 338 RUM, I cant get close to the lands without exceeding the magazine max dimension. The 338 RUM went well under MOA using the magazine as my max for COL.


Just came in from the range, where I shot several E-Tip loads. All were set 0.100 inches off the lands. All appear to be MOA. Now, I'll do a little bit of playing with seating depth.
No, haven't shot it yet just, wanted to be doubly sure before heading out that I had enough jump. Looks as if I do. Measurements for my gun are the same as JD338 stated with his 338 RUM. Like I said earlier I may be able to lengthen it just a tad if needed.

Dr. Mike, I can't get that close. Good starting point for you though!

Thanks for the input.

FWIW, I just shot a 270 WSM today that will not let me load 140 grain ABs or 150 grain Berger VLDs closer than about 0.110 inch off the lands, and they are just binding on the magazine. Yet, the groups were all MOA or less. Not long ago, I loaded for a 270 WSM that had a 0.250 inch jump to the lands that delivered 0.25 inch groups. Go figure. Some rifles are notorious for having short magazines; yet, they can often shoot very well. You will need to load to the magazine and adjust powder charge to obtain similar results to adjusting seating depth.
Thanks Dr. Mike,
This gives me the info going forward I needed. Just wanted to get started correctly. :)

Thank-you and the others that replied,
The only way to tell is to try it out. My 30-06 shot 180ETs into a nice little clover leaf that could be covered with a dime. I load it .020" off the lands - same distance I found worked really well with 180ABs. The 30-06 COL is 3.390". Oh and I measure the crude way, base of brass to bullet tip. I may not be the best way, but it works for me so far.

FWIW, in regards to my 7RUM and 150ETs, I have a COL of 3.655" (using the above measurement method). Interestingly, the 160ABs COL is 3.635". I have no idea how far off the lands the 150ET is as I tried to see what the max COL (bullet touching the lands) would be and found it doesn't even push the bullet into the brass when chambering a test round (no powder or primer) beyond where I initially inserted the marker blackened bullet.
I thought I's post my 338RUM 200ET info as well. I found that 3.620" work extremely well for my rifle and this bullet.

I haven't had a reason to work up a load for the 180ET in my 300RUM as I already have a 180AB and 200AB load - unless for some retarded reason Idaho goes unleaded (highly unlikely).