Eagle Walk, Columbia River

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Left the house early this morning and took a walk near the confluence of the Columbia and Wenatchee rivers.

The young eagle has left the nest! He and mama eagle were kind enough to pose for a few photos. Thought you'd enjoy:



Junior, trying his wings a bit:




Saw a lot of other birds, and a few mule deer as well. It was a good walk. :)

Very Cool Guy, thanks for sharing.. Seems like you were right with them.. what kind of camera are you using? My cell phone camera does okay, but my point and shoot Nikon digital extends the range nicely when I want to reach out a little more.
Thanks for the pictures Guy.
Though they are few the Eagles are making a strong come back in my area after near extinction from pesticides.
I was lucky enough to see one gracing our skies this week.
When I still had my trucking company I hauled refuge to a land fill in Virginia and used to watch the adult Eagles train their young to attack animals on the ground. The adults would knock a Seagull out of the sky and then dive at it on the ground and the young would take turns copying what the adults had showed them. I use to spend to much time watching them and almost miss my home load pick up and run out of service hours.