Electronic scale and static


Apr 16, 2007
I just put new carpet in the house and now my Acculab electronic scale is going crazy from all the static electricity.
Any suggestions on how to get rid of the static?
It's in me also, the closer I get to the scale the more it acts up.
Ive gone back to using my beam scale for now

Out of curiosity, Randy, do you have florescent lighting in your reloading room? Many times the lighting is the culprit rather than the build-up of static electricity. I carry a massive charge in my body (I demagnetize credit/debit cards with surprising regularity). However, there is no particular variation on electronic scales (I have used them for over forty years, beginning in the laboratory). However, florescent lights play havoc with electronic scales.
Not sure if it's really the carpet, Just moved into a house and did the carpet before I set up my reloading stuff.
I took out the florescent lighting when I moved in. I knew it might be a problem.
Only the kitchen has florescent lights and it's on the other side of the house.
I wonder if it's my wireless modem. it's in the same room but in opposite corners.
Electronic scales are frequently very sensitive to electronic gear. When one begins to drift, one will frequently find that even minor draws on the electric circuit affects accuracy. I'm fortunate in not having a problem, but in the lab we often were compelled to plug in scales to dedicated circuits.
Made no difference. Also tried various locations around the house. NOPE same thing.
Worked fine at my last residence so what gives???????????
It does sound as if it may have been damaged. Do you permit it a warm-up period? If so, does it seem to settle down after twenty minutes or so? Do you calibrate before trying to use the scale? Just a couple of thoughts that occur to me. One other if that if you have the capability of running the scale on batteries, does that make a difference in operation?
I turn it on the night before I know I'm doing some reloading and calibrate before using.
Not the battery back up one.
I borrowed my buddies RCBS scale and it works fine so I think the problem is mine. But my buddies is not as sensitive. My acculab is a medical grade scale and accurate to .01 grains, most reloading scales go to .1 grains.
It has helped me get my extreme spreads into single digits most of the time. I weight Bullets, cases and charges.
When I moved I personally put it in the original box and carried from place to place so I would be surprised if I damaged it.
If I figure it out I'll let you guys know.

try plugging it into a surge suppressor ( power strip) like your PC I did that with my buddys pact and it cleared things up
Well I took it to work and it performed flawlessly.
Used the battery backup/surge protector at work with no problem, Brought it back home with the BBSP and it still goes nuts
So there is something in my house causing it.
At home it sits on a granite block, plugged into a surge protector. Just like it did at my last home.
My new home is possessed :shock: :shock:
cell phone tower nearby? satellite tv? power substation?
just trying to throw some ideas out there....

I can't use my dillon when my neighbor is welding......

also, I have a wrist strap that grounds my body when working on auto electronics.... wonder if that would help out at all???????
chet":2qzjhj9t said:
cell phone tower nearby? satellite tv? power substation?
just trying to throw some ideas out there....

I can't use my dillon when my neighbor is welding......

also, I have a wrist strap that grounds my body when working on auto electronics.... wonder if that would help out at all???????
Not that I'm aware of
I would like to try a grounding strap, where do I get one. Radio shack??
another question/thought:

does your powder cling to the pan? I've noticed sometimes extruded powder will cling to the scale pan (a grain or two). sometimes flake powders too. not always, just sometimes..... never seems to screw with the function of the scale tho....
chet":1jsc6if4 said:
another question/thought:

does your powder cling to the pan? I've noticed sometimes extruded powder will cling to the scale pan (a grain or two). sometimes flake powders too. not always, just sometimes..... never seems to screw with the function of the scale tho....
No it does not, Thanks for the link.

Measure the voltage at the electrical outlet,be sure it is with in the specs of your scale. Also if your Electrical system is not properly grounded electronics will do weird things, sometimes not work at all, depending on sensitivity, my experience working with HVAC Control Systems, PC Boards etc.

Found the problem.
Turns out it was my Cable voice modem causing the problem.
Unplugged the modem when painting the room and when I walked by the scale it was functioning perfect.
So I isolated the modem and now all is good
FYI: if anybody else has problem with there electronic scale this might be your problem

Frigging electronics

velvetant":21n8nyif said:
Well I took it to work and it performed flawlessly.
Used the battery backup/surge protector at work with no problem, Brought it back home with the BBSP and it still goes nuts
So there is something in my house causing it.
At home it sits on a granite block, plugged into a surge protector. Just like it did at my last home.
My new home is possessed :shock: :shock:

I would say that you have a short in your wiring somewhere! :?