Ever been to Farson WY. Oregon Buttes?


Nov 21, 2004
I let my buddy talk me into getting a buck tag for back there, out of state tag was big money. Has anyone ever hunted around there? Will BLM let you set up a wall tent out in the brush? Any info on spots to go and or advise would help. It's a long drive for a scouting trip.
Yep, I spent some time there. There are buck antelope and buck deer and buck fences, what kind of tag do you have?
BLM will let you set up about anywhere. I would be looking for a tree or draw to stay out of the incessent wind. Don't camp or drive in a stream bed and be sure to recon your camp site in the daylight. Sometimes the cow sh--- is deep in certain spots. Wyoming private land rules are very strict so also be real sure of your camping/hunting location
I have a buck deer tag and two doe antelope tags. I'm trying to get some new maps of the area showing public from private ground, I'll be using a GPS to help as well. We hope to get there a day or so early and try to avoid any bovine Sh t because it happens. I try to walk slow in strange pastures, if you don't your just asking to loose a boot and finish the day in a green sock.
It sounds like you're doing things right! The BLM maps are a good resource too, and you'll find that private land out there is really limited, it is nearly all BLM. The BLM office in Rock Springs has a biologist I'm pretty sure. I have found the Wyo game & fish biologists are helpful too, sometimes more than the wardens. I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out on the web contact names for you, but it's not working. In that mountain of paperwork you've already got with your licensing and apps , there is the 800 number for the main G&F office. Their people are really good, and will hook you up with contacts. I suggest calling and asking for the names and numbers for the warden and trophy game biologists who work the Oregon Buttes area. You chose just about the most remote non-mountainous place in the lower 48, congratulations!
Hunter camping is not restricted on most BLM ground, except by the cactus. Kevlar socks, maybe?
Fresh potable water sources are miles apart. Take plenty.
I'll keep looking for more info.
Hi there,
i would get some topo maps as well. Can't remember the company, but there is one that targets hunters with really good topo maps.
I need to follow up on the wildlife contacts, I was thinking of going to our department here and asking for a list in WY. for that unit, I applied on line and I think I still have the web. address. I've google earthed the area and seen some of the pictures people have posted, I haven't hunted in open country before it will be a challenge to see and not be seen.
Jay,you're going to enjoy it. The country is just rolling enough that you can start seeing stalk possibilities. It's not cornfield flat by any means. G&f link for contacts:
307-777-4600 is the main G&F number, and the people who answer it will route you to other numbers you need after you explain the tags you have in which areas. Note that it is not an 800 number, but I think you will be happy you called it. So they don't have an 800 # but they have gone to quite a bit of work with resources and training for their people just to help people like you and me.

Doe antelope are out there like rabbits. The biggest challenge wiil keeping it cool. I skin them out same day and separate major chunks like hams, the whole backbone, the shoulders, and the diinky but excellent filets on the inside. Then you need a big cooler with ice minimally, cover it and put it in the shade.

Probably won't be able to help myself, so I'll keep posting as things come to mind, until you say Enough!
elkeater 2 you just post away all you want. I'll be hitting the yard sales for big coolers this summer. Most of my hunting has been muzzle loader out here so I haven't needed a range finder, but I may look into getting one. I'm taking my Rem. 721 in .270 it's old but shoots regular bullets not the round balls and has a Nikon on top to boot. I just hope I can remember how to work the bolt, I have three tags :wink: I haven't gotten the WY. hunting regs. yet will I be wearing my blaze orange ultimate pack vest out there? Thanks for the #'s and the link.

A range finder is a must, on a clear day with the sun at your back a deer or antelope can be a lot farther away than they look. I have found Antelope almost impossible to judge without a rangefinder.
If you will be traveling on ATV's make sure that your gun is protected there will be dust immediately after the sun comes out. I think that I may have mentioned that the wind might blow also. In Cheyanne the story goes that they have a battleship anchor chain hanging from a steel tower. When the anchor chain is straight out they consider it a windy day.
Good luck on your hunt
baltz526, thanks for the map idea I ordered the Farson one you had suggested, I love maps the I'm sure I'll be visiting the store again.
I will be getting a range finder, any thoughts on a good make and model. I think I want the range finder and not the bino combo. I'm not looking forward to the wind, I've shot in the wind a little but not a lot.

Mine is several years old and is a Bushnell from Cabelas, but I have checked it with a tape and GPS and seems pretty close. I am thinking of another higher quality one if I get enough work this summer. I know that Leupold, Nikon, and numerous others also make them.
Some have lots of features lines, dots and numerous other things that clutter up the screen and I want to be careful to get one that ranges, not gives me the weather report besides. I read a review in Eastmans, or another outdoor magazine not long ago that had a couple of recommendations but I have misplaced it.

You are also going to need some good or very good bino's, those rascally deer can hide behind a tuft of grass on the right hillside Good luck!!!!Thats nuff from me today.