
Jun 27, 2009
Last week the b.I.L. and I were out calling in yotes and we had three yotes come in and hang up around the 350 yrds( LRF - 353). So I was calling and was positioned to where I could not get a shot, the BiL was set up perfect, he waited for 2 to cross and fired . He dropped the front one but the other 2 booked for the bush before a folow up could be fired. So when we walked up we could see no exit on the first yote, but man that would have been a sweet 2for 1. He was shooting a .243 with 60 gr sierra varminter bullets , bullet must have disinergrated on impact . He was wishing he had a hunting round loaded up instead. I 've got 2 for 1 with gophers and the 17 hmr, I've seen a guy get 2 crows with a .22lr in one shot. Well obviously not applicable to big game hunting, have you ever got a double well hunting varmits/ small game?
I got a double once, and it should have been a triple. I was night calling and had 3 yotes come in on me and stop about 30 yds out. I dropped the first one with my 870 12 ga 3" Mag loaded up with W-W lead BB. I hit the second one and put him down at about 35 yds and missed the third one. I gave the second one a coup de grace. The whole event was less than 5-6 seconds but has burned a spot in my memory.
I have called in pairs a few times but have never had multiple shot opportunities.
It sure is exciting when you call in coyotes, you the hunter become the hunted.

Never on predators, but I've had two separate friends (one in Alberta and one here in British Columbia) who got a twofer on moose. :shock: That took some explaining!
Do prariedogs count? I've had several twofers, and even one 3fer on prariedogs. We antelope herd up, you have to be really careful NOT to get a twofer.
Two for One: 12 years old, very first big-game hunt and first animal(s).
Antelope- We were hunting on my grandfathers ranch in central Montana and it was the first day of our antelope/deer hunt. My father and I and his friend had just bumped some antelope and they took off running and ran around a knoll, but not before my dad fired one shot at a buck and missed. There were about 13 head in the group. We thought it was all done with and over.

About 2 minutes later, this same group had made a loop out of sight of us and came back running around the knob the same way they had just gone, and were running broadside to us at about 80-100 yards. The main group went past before we could get a shot, but at the tail end was two bucks and a doe running about 30 yards behind the main bunch. I was to the right of my father and one buck and doe were running pretty close together with the last buck about 40 feet behind them.

I shot at the first buck, and right when I shot, the doe caught up to him and was right on the other side of him. MY dad also shot, and the shots were so close together that it sounded as if one shot had been fired. Three antelope dropped on the spot. The poor doe just had awful timing, and when I fired she was the far side of the first buck. I hit him in the ribs in the lungs. The 100 gr. Remington Corelokt (6mm Remington) went through him and into her and stopped under the hide on the off side. She was hit towards the back of the ribs.

My father's friend just had his antelope tag filled, and he never even fired a shot. I remember jumping up and down and yelling I got him, I got him. My fathers friend was not the happiest guy because he didn't even get to shoot his own animal. :(
2 black wildebeeste with one 180 grain Nosler Partition from my 300 wsm.
Never found the bullet, it just kept on going. Thats after going through the head of the second one. They make great bullets.
Russ, I did the same thing with the same bullet but a 300 weatherby in 2001 in south africa with dube safaris. Got expensive :oops:
Never on big game, but when the ducks hit the corn fields its pretty easy to fill your limit of seven in three shots.

I have had only one chance to do it on yotes so far but I told my buddies he could shoot first. Set up and started calling, didn't get half way done with the first set and had five running right at us. They popped up at 30 yards and my friend paniced and missed! I was playing with a 17 M2 that day(poor choice) and didn't get any good shots at any. It was still one of the coolest hunts I have ever done though.
I did get a double on Caribou. First afternoon out, 6 bulls the next ridge over about 400 yds away. The guide was with me and we moved into position to get a 250 yd shot. I shot the biggest bull with my 280 Rem and he dropped after a short sprint. The second largest bull stood quartering towards me and the guide said to shoot him, which I did.
My double was 2 bulls with 2 shots. I have never shot two animals with 1 bullet.

Once on doves for myself. My hunting buddy has done it a few times on deer. Two times while shooting buck shot from a shotgun he dropped two deer. One other time he and been hunting this big buck all season and on the very last day about 5 minutes before it got too dark to shoot he shows up. He just has from his front shoulders forward showing sticking out of a cut over on the edge of a logging road my buddies stand was on. He is a little over 100 yards a way. My buddy shoots him through the front shoulders with a 140 gr Nosler Partition out of a 7mm STW and drops him in his tracks. Then he notices the weeds shaking about 30 yards beyond where the buck was. When he gets to the buck he finds a doe on the off side about 30 yards a way with the back of her lungs shot out. The bullet was a pass through on both. You could take both sex and take two deer a day there in NC so there was no problem.
Sort of, me and another guy were cross-hairing a couple of hogs. He told me to call the shot. I called it and we fired almost simultaneously, I'm talking a nano-second difference, and two hogs dropped.
I've shot 2 hogs on multiple occasions with a single bullet. I've actually filmed a hunt where I killed 2 with the same bullet.
I was hunting sharp tails on a frosty morning and there were a flock sitting on a round bale. I used my .22LR off a fence post fire one bullet and 2 flopped dead and one went straight up and came down.
We started to laugh as we had never seen anything like that before. The limit for sharpies here is 3 so it was a quick day :)
My moto is it is better to be lucky than good.
Well for sure prarie dogs count ( that gophers to us north of the 49) with a.17 it's fun to try and get 2-1 shot. Well we are going out again try call in some more yotes and now were going to see about a double if it presents it's self. 85 gr parts/ 43 gr hy-brid 100/ .243. Now that should punch thru. It's my nephews deer load.
My brother shot a doe & yearling whitetail with the same bullet. She was standing broadside at the edge of the brush & he didn't see the yearling standing behind her. :roll: Made him sweat a little until a gentleman & his grandson came by while he was gutting. They hadn't seen anything & were glad to take one of the deer offered to them by my brother. Lucky! :grin:
I got a planned double or triple on doe deer in Texas. Shooting a 358 Norma with 225 Partitions; I lined up 4 does broadside at the corn feeder. At the shot, the closest 2 fell dead and the third crippled off and had to have a finisher. Always wondered if I would have been shooting a 250 Partition if I could have gotten all 4. Noslers make it all good.