Expanding bullets or solids for dangerous game ?



I hawe been working for a while at Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and in the years after I often travel up there. Up there You`re not allowed to hike, go on boat trips og snow mobile trips not carrying a gun. That is due to the danger of getting eaten by the Polar Bear.
It`s recomended to carry a rifle from caliber .308 and up. Lots of people use stainless Ruger`s in 308 Winchester. I myself always carry a 375. I Have QD scope mounts and my gunsmith has built me good open sights on the rifle. The scope is left at home. Some people carry revolvers in 44 mag as backup.
Everyone, me included, only carry expanding bullets for Polar Bear protection. At least I`ve never met anyone carrying solids.
In Africa they use solids for stopping dangerous game. The Polar Bear could weigh 600 kilos, and if hungry, he sure could be classified as "dangerous game".
Opinions on this, anyone ?
you get to hike in polar bear country and are required to carry a firearm? I'm jealous as hell. Here in the peoples republic of Kalifornia the pot smoking, tree hugging, devil worshipping democrates have banned mountain lion (harvesting) and I wont let my children hike in the parks without taking my dog for protection. Personaly I have never taken a polar bear but I dont see why 300 gr pt's wouldn't perform admiraly . just my humble redneck oppinion .
Polar bear & a 375HH? My answer to that problem would be the 300 g Nosler Partition.

Solids are best kept to the BIG heavies in Africa, Elephant, Rhino, Cape Buffalo hippo etc. I'd use expading bullets on Lion & leopard if I was ever lucky enough to hunt them.
honkeetonkin":x2vvabf3 said:
Here in the peoples republic of Kalifornia the pot smoking, tree hugging, devil worshipping democrates have banned mountain lion (harvesting).

Ya just gotta love that! :shock:


The 375 H&H with the 300 gr PT is a bear stopper. I would have confidence with that load. You can also go with Federals Hi Energy load which uses the samoe 300 gr PT but has a higher velocity.

Age Old Debate of Energy v/s Peneration. If I'm hunting something that really needs a hole from the front to the back to keep me from being eaten, stomped, gored, or otherwise make me have a bad day. I may question why I'm looking for it anyways. I'm from the energy camp,,,, I'll choose 1/2 way through and ALL the Energy staying inside over a neat little hole all the way through any day. But that's just me.
Well half way through a DG animal can get you killed. Solids are great for breaking an animal down by hitting bone, but even in Africa, premium softs like Partitions & Swifts, Barnes 'X' are getting the nod more & more over solids. Solids are pretty much reserved for follow up shots if needed or when going after really thick skinned game like elephant & hippo.
Energy transfer versus hole punching penetration. Penetration is not the key, nor is energy transfer. In most cases we are not talking about one shot instantaneous kills. My understanding is that the solids are so commonly used for their bone crushing power, to immobilize the large African animals, then a finishing shot is taken to the brain. Most of us use quality expanding bullets, or premium bullets like the Partition for the best of both worlds. Ultimately knock down power is a myth, and typically it is the loss of vital tissue function that is the ultimate demise of the game. The best testament to knockdown power being a myth is a 325gr carbon fiber arrow + broadhead entering the target at 200 fps and having the animal go 20 yards and collapse deader than a stick. When the boiler room stops boiling, or the command center stops transmitting the engine is going to die. But the excitment comes in having no real idea about what is going to happen when the crack of the shot rings out.