Fatal North American bear attacks

Bears are wild animals and need to remain wild. You are correct, Guy, people need to treat them with respect. I will say that it has always disturbed me that people who do not live with wildlife make the laws that dictate how we interact with wildlife here in the interior of BC. Our game laws are set by Vancouver and Victoria, for the most part.
Thebear_78":3vusma2q said:

10 fatal bear mailings in 2010
34 fatal dog maulings in 2010
bees kill 53 people per year
ants upwards of 27

I’ll take my chances with the bears

Yeah, but can you imagine opening that package?

:lol: :wink:
Guy Miner":3jqq5spx said:
Interesting link. Respect the bear, even the black bear...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fa ... Brown_bear

Thanks for that, Guy.

I lived in the Central Interior of BC and at that time came across a few bears. I then moved to the Coast and came across more black bears than I remembered in the Interior. Maybe I was just too young and not looking. I became a little more bear aware in the Coast as we were always hiking in black bear country.

Now that we are in the Kootenay region here in BC we have really become bear aware. Just yesterday I took the wife and kids out to the bush for a drive. Throughout the day we saw no less than 4 black bears. Kids had a great day, but learned how to be safe around bears too.
I read that this afternoon, Osprey. The guy was quite fortunate.
I can just imagine the instructions on that can of bear spray:

1. Insert can into bear's mouth.
2. Don't breathe.

I would guess that the wrong place to carry a can of bear spray is in your backpack. Isn't that what they make holsters for.
big rifle man":230jy1yh said:
I would guess that the wrong place to carry a can of bear spray is in your backpack. Isn't that what they make holsters for.

yes, and from experience...don't take the little orange safety tab off for quick deployment. We were in a grumpy bear area about 11 years ago (I was young and dumb). I took the safety off and put it into my cargo pants pocket. We had to go over this little foot bridge which was no wider than myself it seemed.

As I was climbing onto the bridge the cable of the bridge hit the trigger of the canister. I heard a Shhhhhhhhh!! coming from my pants pocket and felt a real cold sensation on my leg. I then (within about 1 second, probably less) felt a real bad burning sensation on my leg. Man did that hurt. i had to strip down on the trail. Thank goodness I brought extra pants.

What can I say? My wife and I were only dating at that point. Apparently my dumbness that day didn't turn her away.

:roll: :mrgreen: