Black Bear attacks 2024

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
No need to tell this group that it's important to be able to fight back:

I do believe in bear spray. It works. So does a firearm. Typically my sidearm when out in the hills hiking, camping, fishing or whatever is a 3" 357 magnum S&W J frame revolver. The past couple of years I've been loading it with 180 grain cast Buffalo Bore ammunition. It's compact and light enough to always be on my person and easily reached.
357 J frame 3.JPG

What's your means of bear defense?

I have used bear spray on a black bear sow with desired effect. Had I used a gun on her it would have orphaned the two cubs she was protecting when I startled them while bowhunting.
I generally don’t carry spray or a handgun, but when I feel a situation warrants protection would lean to spray.
Grizzly country would be a different thought process.
On the news this morning there is doorbell camera footage of an adult cougar in a heavily populated city far from typical cougar habitat.
Should the kids pack guns or spray to stay safe on their walk to school? Not a serious question or intended to be, just a thought while reading your post.
I live and play where you can run into both grizzly and black bears. I usually have both bear spray and a handgun with me depending on what I am doing or how far back I am going, short hikes maybe just bear spray but if I'm out for the day I will have both. Usual go to is similar to Guy, I have a 3" 357mag, but a Kimber DASA that I carry in a chest rig(will try and add some pretty photos this evening). I do have a S&W 657 Mountain Gun in 41mag I just havent had the time to do alot with it yet, maybe next year.
This spring a buddy of mine was out shed hunting just north of yellowstone park and a grizzly came out of the brush and charged him. He deployed the bear spray as is was changing towards and past him all within 10 yds then turned and dove back into the brush(keeping the story short). When I was talking with him about it I asked, because I know he also carries a glock 20, if he would have had time to shoot. His answer was a quick "no way" he wouldn't have had time for a confident shot, he said from the first thrashing in the brush he heard, until the whole thing was over was a matter of seconds. Just somthing to keep in mind it can happen really fast. Oh and by the way if anyone is up for a nice hike I bet I can get some coordinates to a dropped Iphone :).
Oh and by the way if anyone is up for a nice hike I bet I can get some coordinates to a dropped Iphone :).
Well, there's an opportunity for some dear soul! I've been charged by grizzlies twice, and I can assure you that things can happen very quickly. Both charges I experienced were bluff charges, but they were rather intense all the same. A big bear stamping his feet and popping his jaws about three metres from you is plenty intimidating.
Well, there's an opportunity for some dear soul! I've been charged by grizzlies twice, and I can assure you that things can happen very quickly. Both charges I experienced were bluff charges, but they were rather intense all the same. A big bear stamping his feet and popping his jaws about three metres from you is plenty intimidating.
Note to self...
Back pack items -
Rain gear
Dry socks
Clean boxers 😜

Here's my bear spray...
S&W 629 3"
Burris Fast Fire II Red Dot
Holster by Darn Tough Holsters with the Chesty Puller set up.
Currently shooting 240 gr hard cast at 1000 fps.



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"There was no food or other items that usually attract bears inside the tent and it’s not clear what prompted the rare encounter, Wardlow said. “These folks who were involved did everything right and this is just a very unusual situation where that bear still tried to get into their tent, even without there being any attractant involved.”

Well, there was a woman in the tent. Note that they did not reveal her age. If she was still with the child bearing age frame odds she was very close to or at that time of the month. Best bear attractant in the world.

I've had only one personal encounter with a bear attack and the only one in camp with a firearm. The bear died and the woman attacked had a lot of stitches. The campout was a group of college age men and women who were members of a church. I was invited along by the woman who was my current girl friend at the time. It was labor Day weekend, 1959. The woman who was attacked in her tent was at that time according to my girl friend. FWIW, my gun was an S&W 38/44 Outdoorsman running 38/44 level .38 Spl. Handlods. They're very close to the .357 Magnum and probably as hot as or slightly hotter than .38 Spl. Plus P Plus ammo.

On other incident took place a few years back when a group of girl scouts did a camp out on Mt. Lemmon. According to game & Fish, the bear broke into her tent and was trying to drag the 16 year old girl away. The camp chaperone got a .44 Magnum revolver from his car and shot the bear several times which then let go of the young lady and took off. Fish & Game tracked the bear the next day with dogs and killed it with shotgun and slugs. I was in the Hunter Ed program at the time and knew the wardens that went after the bear. They said the young lady was on her period at the time of the attack.

I read a report years back on bear attacks on women in Glacier Nat'l Park. You guessed it, they were at that time of the month. Makes me wonder? What were they thinking?

Before my wreck sidelined me I did hikes on Mt. Lemmon and in the local desert. I ran into a few bears and saw a few Mountain Lions with most running away when they saw me. Most of the time I was armed with a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum stoked with Elmer Keith level load. (22.0 gr. 2400/240-250 gr. hard cast SWC) I never had to pull trigger during those encounters.
Paul B.
No need to tell this group that it's important to be able to fight back:

I do believe in bear spray. It works. So does a firearm. Typically my sidearm when out in the hills hiking, camping, fishing or whatever is a 3" 357 magnum S&W J frame revolver. The past couple of years I've been loading it with 180 grain cast Buffalo Bore ammunition. It's compact and light enough to always be on my person and easily reached.
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What's your means of bear defense?

I carry the same S&W J frame, with the same ammo. Although, this time of year my first round is a snake load as we live in a rural canyon with lots of rattlesnakes.

I had a black bear in a tree next to our house at dawn one morning, I went out to see what our dogs were barking at and a black bear came down out of the tree. I've scared black bears off before by yelling and throwing my hands in the air, but this one just stopped and looked at me. I shot the 357 snake load into the hillside behind the bear and it took off. I found out the neighbor (liberal) was feeding the bear catfood, when he stopped the bear tore the door off the shed and ate all the catfood. A week later the bear tried to get into someone's house a couple miles away and the guy shot and killed it.
I carry the same S&W J frame, with the same ammo. Although, this time of year my first round is a snake load as we live in a rural canyon with lots of rattlesnakes.

I had a black bear in a tree next to our house at dawn one morning, I went out to see what our dogs were barking at and a black bear came down out of the tree. I've scared black bears off before by yelling and throwing my hands in the air, but this one just stopped and looked at me. I shot the 357 snake load into the hillside behind the bear and it took off. I found out the neighbor (liberal) was feeding the bear catfood, when he stopped the bear tore the door off the shed and ate all the catfood. A week later the bear tried to get into someone's house a couple miles away and the guy shot and killed it.
It’s sad that liberals lack the mental capacity to see the unintended consequences of their actions.

We have had a few bear attacks and a wolf attack so far this fall. Noting fatal yet thank god.

I generally carry either a 2.75” 629 44 mag loaded with 300gr cast or XTP mag or a 10mm loaded with 200gr bonded SP or 200gr cast/all copper.

I find myself carrying the 10 most of the time. It’s mmuch easier to shoot and penetrates very well. My buddy put 2 200gr TMJ thru a 6’ black bear neck /shoulder junction and exited out back leg. Broke the bear down right there.

I used to carry a 3” 357 quite a bit too and wouldn’t hesitate to do so again. 180gr cast loads


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Nice looking collection of side arms.
What grips do you have on the 2.75" 629?
