First Fishing, Then Hunting


Nov 8, 2006

Here is a disturbing report that the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force is due to complete its first report. This group appears to have been heavily influenced by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) together with other "Big Green" groups. The WWF and IFAW were influential in compelling the Ontario Provincial Government to abolish the spring bear hunt. Quoting from the article, "Now we see NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the administration planning the future of recreational fishing access in America based on a similar agenda of these same groups ... through an Executive Order by the President." Living in Canada, I have witnessed the power of these Executive Orders when rifle scopes, brass and bullets are strictly banned from being sold to non-US residents. This is worth a read and certainly worthy of a response from all sportsmen and sportswomen.