First pheasants this season!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Dog and I got out this morning. I made the mistake of letting him hunt too far ahead of me, and two pheasants flushed out of range.

But... He pointed three birds. I took three shots. Dropped three birds. :)

Also - he accomplished his first retrieve. We've been working on that this summer. He did great! Lots of praise. I made sure he knew that he did great.




I was using 12 gauge, 2 3/4" Kent Fasteel #6's. They worked great, just as they did last year.

So happy to be bird hunting again!

An excellent report. I'm sure dog is pleased with his performance, as you are with your shooting.
Congratulations Guy. Have a friend who’s dog gets pissed at him if he misses a bird. He’ll come over and bark at him when he misses...I hope you didn’t bark at Clark for flushing early.. :)

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mjcmichigan":3bgsbxgn said:
Congratulations Guy. Have a friend who’s dog gets pissed at him if he misses a bird. He’ll come over and bark at him when he misses...I hope you didn’t bark at Clark for flushing early.. :)

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Nope. :)

And this is Maverick.

Clark passed away spring of 2019, cancer. He was an awesome dog. My son and I wish we'd had a few more years with Clark. He was one of the best, no doubt about it:

Maverick is my rescue dog. Oh Lordy he's needed some attention. We're good for each other I think. We walk together a lot. He hunted with me last fall. Didn't know what he was doing, but some of that is hard-wired. He's got energy and drive...

Both are German Wirehaired Pointers - very different in color. Mav is more impetuous. Clark was better trained. Clark was an awesome hunter. Maverick is trying to be that good. He has incredible drive - I'm trying to harness that and direct it. We're working on that. :)

Hey- Looks like Mav did all right! He's pretty young will come around. And a successful retrieve is always a good thing. CL
Good job Guy. All yo efforts o Dr the summer are paying off. I sure do like that O/U shotgun.

JD - that shotgun - that was a gift from Dad, just a few years ago.

He has been quite the avid shotgunner. Mostly hunting but also shot trap, skeet and sporting clays. For some years he's doted on nice over & under and side x side shotguns. Pretty nice ones.

I called and asked him for some pointers about finding a good over and under. I finally had a couple of grand that I thought I could spend on a nice shotgun and I've never had an over & under.

He up and gave me this old Browning Citori that he bought 25 years ago, maybe even 30 years ago - but never used much. It needs a new recoil pad. It's kinda heavy for a field gun. But dang! It shoots great! I've never had a ported shotgun before. This one barely rises on recoil. Even with stout loads I can stay on target and apply a second shot if necessary.

Ya, it's quite a gun, and that it was a gift from Dad makes it even more special. I think my son is already waiting for me to give it to him. Ha!

Very nice Guy. Sounds like Maverick is progressing well and like was mentioned that shotgun is a beauty, even better that it came from your dad.
Guy, that's what I call a perfect day. Peaceful, you and the dog, good weather and birds to match the exercise. I hunted grouse and pheasants with a german shorthaired pointer (Max) and had many great days in the field.
Sounds like a great day and reminds me of times when I had more opportunities for shotgun hunting.
Most pointers I know needed a few years to get calm enough to be good.
Seems they learn that the get more rewards when they don't rush in.
And it seems he is willing to learn!
Looking forward to more stories.

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Sounds like he is a work in progress that keeps improving. He is a good looking dog. Like your over/under and being a gift from your Dad makes it more special. Thanks for sharing. Dan.
Guy there are few things more exciting than a good bird dog getting birdy. My Springer Spaniel is my best friend and has quite a good nose for Pheasant as well. Even at 6 years old he is very much still a clown at times that makes me laugh from deep inside. I taught him his obedience commands and to work a field with a whistle and hand signals at roughly 25 yards out, but I didn’t teach him a thing about hunting. He had that from the start. Congratulations he’s a handsome boy, and I wish you and your boy many many bird filled days afield.There are birdy days and those that resemble more of a stroll than Pheasant hunting, but every one is special.E172FFF7-1B12-4BA6-8361-6C87FA8DDEA4.jpeg500BD330-9893-4BA4-B9AE-E3A0B816E412.jpegD4CCCB71-8525-4106-B7B8-117C63C839FD.jpegB3EA5C45-E2A8-4492-B13A-F9B2F0EB64A8.jpeg
I think it’s hilarious if I miss a bird he flushed. He will stop, turn around and give me “the look”. Like “really dad?! I went through all this work and you missed it?!”. And yes you can be chastised by your dog. :lol: :lol:

I also applaud your shell choice for your shotgun. Kent makes a great shotgun shell. I caught the same Fasteel#6’s on clearance at Midway last year and bought the last 14 boxes they had at $3.99 per box. They perform admirably.
Love that innocent look of your Spaniel!

For me, watching a dog doing what's in their genes - with a little help directing them - is the most fulfilling hunt.
Either on small game, driven hunts or on a blood trail.

A German saying is
Jagen ohne Hund ist Schund.

It rimes and roughly translates as
Hunting without a dog sucks...

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