Free shipping might be over.


Mar 6, 2017
I at times have purchased bullets off of Midway when they had a sale or a good price on bullets I used. I'd wait until they'd run their free shipping offer on orders over $49.

When illegitimate Biden took office gas here was around $2.15. On Sunday gas at our local station was $3.75 which is ridiculous. Monday it jumped up to $3.79. Today when I went by it's $4.19! We're talking regular here not hi-grade. No end in sight. Buckle up. Energy prices affect everything.
I thought Obummer was horrible and Jimmy the peanut farmer was bad. With this piece of dreck, Biden, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Dr. Mike, Are current soring gas prices just a US (Democratic administration) problem, or are you seeing it in Canada too?

What I do blame this administration for is shutting down the pipeline. In no way do I believe that it is cheaper or safer for the environment to ship crude oil across the United States by rail than through a pipeline. From my point of view, the potential for a major disaster is far greater and it is more costly shipping by rail.

A few years ago they were toting that we were producing enough domestic oil that we were no longer being held hostage by foreign producers. What happened and why is the Russian-Ukrainian crisis impacting the US this much and this fast?
Just realize that the resident of the WH wants $5+ a gallon to facilitate the green deal agenda. At $5+/ gallon, people will start going electric.
But keep in mind that we do not have the power info structure to support everyone charging up EV's. And the cost for a quick charge "fill up" is going to be $60.
It's only going to get better...

Dr. Mike, Are current soring gas prices just a US (Democratic administration) problem, or are you seeing it in Canada too?

What I do blame this administration for is shutting down the pipeline. In no way do I believe that it is cheaper or safer for the environment to ship crude oil across the United States by rail than through a pipeline. From my point of view, the potential for a major disaster is far greater and it is more costly shipping by rail.

A few years ago they were toting that we were producing enough domestic oil that we were no longer being held hostage by foreign producers. What happened and why is the Russian-Ukrainian crisis impacting the US this much and this fast?
Our gas prices are moving up rather rapidly as well. Because prices are boosted in the USA, our oil is tied to the world market. Thus, our prices march in lockstep with the US with the sole exception that we began at a higher price in the first place due to an elevated taxation system. Gas locally is at ~5.56/US gal. It does work a hardship on those of us who get out into the bush.
Everybody has their own ideas and I certainly don't know everything. But for me it's been pretty obvious that money in and of itself wont get you anything, or much of anything if it keeps going. Can't prepare for anything that way. There's a big hole in the bucket because of inflation which shows no slowing down at this point. There's 100's of examples but just using the gas prices, my dollar gets me 95% less than it did before. Gas has almost doubled.

I've been doing what I can to prepare and in the last 4-6 months the efforts have gone into overdrive. Hard assests that you have in your hand and own. Land, guns, loading components to make ammo, gold, silver. Food is probably the most important. The ability to produce it and put it away. If you can't produce it, at least put it away.

I can produce and put away a big stash of food. Gonna need it to help people out if it keeps going. I know people just a month ago that it was costing them $800 a month this winter to heat their home because of the cost of heating oil and living in an older house. Not hard to imagine that cost jumping up to $1500 per month. You have to stay reasonably warm with children in the house, but you can't spend that kind of money plus buy food and keep the lights on, on a working mans pay.

If you think you will be fine, at least prepare to be able to help other people is my way of thinking. Gonna get rough for a stretch I believe.
Glen Beck seems to understand a lot of what is going on. As always there will be things he is right and wrong about, but is conclusions are tending to match my own. With the war in Ukraine, everyone has stopped buying from Russia, including oil, but Biden has simultaneously shut down our more local supplies, and decided that we will not buy oil from Russia either, even though they are throwing oil at anyone who will buy it for bargain prices. Now we are negotiating to buy oil from Iran, which we know is a bad idea. In the mean time we will probably use up our emergency reserve of oil which will leave us incapacitated when a larger scale war inevitably develops and we are no longer able to access foreign oil. Maybe it sounds like a good idea on the outside to use non-aggressive means to stop Russia, like refusing to do business with them, but the economic prediction is that if we continue to do so, an economic crisis that dwarfs the Great Depression will occur. Food could become more scarce than it has been since Dust Bowl.

This has been the plan all along with the illegitimate Biden administration, it is all an attempt to bring about what they call the Great Reset, a self induced disaster that will leave everyone clamoring for the government to save us and allow them to establish the One World Order. How well will their plan work, I do not know, but so far it seems to be moving along just fine for them. We may have to be prepared for the collapse of the entire western economy.

I have very little means to be prepared for any of this, but will be moving soon and hope to be able to prepare better after moving.
I don't think your reasoning is ill founded. However I don't personally believe they can get there quite yet. In this country they can't get there before the midterms and at the current pace of going backwards it should be a blood bath for the dems if we can keep them from cheating too bad.

They have tried.........the build back better plan would've been a pole jump vault over the bar to get there. They couldn't get Manchin and Sinema to go along. Ending the filibuster........same thing. Those 2 things and we were toast, and right now. Packing the courts, they would've had it all. 1 or 2 votes away from complete disaster.

Personally I think we will come back at least for a time. The elections in VA gave me great hope. From the governor on down, conservatives overun the election. And I can almost guarantee it's not because the Dems didn't try to cheat.

Just recently in LA California, 3 school board members were voted out because of some of the same crazy stuff that was going on in VA. And it wasn't even close......they were voted out by like 72% against. The only reason the whole dang board didn't lose their heads is there was only 3 up for election. The rest their day is coming, and this is in LA.

I have hope. Although admitedlly sometimes I'm overly optimistic on such things.
Our prices in Germany are rising rapidly too.
Currently around €2.
That's the Liter, not the gallon...
I use public transport when possible. But outside the big cities it is often not possible.