Got my 378 Bee back


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Finally got her back!
Top of the line Krieger match barrel
Custom SW muzzle brake
Ceracoated midnight high blue
2 lbs trigger
steel bedded and pillar bedded
Stock redone in satin finish
Warne bases and rings
2.5x10x42mm Nightforce "compact" scope M rad


Looks awesome Fotis. What barrel contour did you go with? 26" barrel length?
Looking forward to hearing how she shoots.

Nicely done Fotis. When do you think you'll be able to take her out to the range?

Looks like a great set-up. I look forward to seeing the range reports. Load development must be brutal. I bet you already have some pet loads to try though. Good luck with it.

I have extensive experience with a 378 Weatherby since 1993. I have a lot of loads for it that I need to try but the 260 AccuBond and the 270 lrx are number one on my list. Now if I can fix my house the two cars and my camper that got hit really really hard with this hail we had in May stop running around like a chicken with my head cut off I might be able to get to it at my new 28 Nosler.
Fotis, well when you get that moment or two let us know on your range reports on that 378 and then the 28 Nosler :wink:.
2 weeks ago I was at range day and there was a young fellow that just picked up his custom 28 and they wouldn't let him shoot it :( as the range was for newbies and instruction. I am hoping to get back out there in the next week or so he advised that I was supposed to give him a call and he would join me (y).
