Great Job Colorado DOW.


Jan 25, 2008
I took my kids to an event by the The Colorado Division of Wildlife Angle Education Program today. The goal of the program was to teach kids about fishing, and I dare say, it was a great day. It started with education on fish, and habitat, casting, and of course fishing!! Most of the kids were city kids, and had never fished before, so everyone received a free fishing pole. The fishing was GREAT (maybe because the pond was stocked on Thursday), and many a kid caught their first fish today including my 2 year old daughter. The program encouraged catch and release, (after all the pond was in Denver). We released alot of fish, but still kept our limit, a dozen nice rainbow trout. The fishing was so good, that even my two year old caught some. It's nice to see programs like this, that will help keep our sport alive.
Treasure the day.
Colorado is a great state for offering such a day.
God only gives us so many of those days with children, family and other loved ones. I've had mine and your having one of yours. I know how special they are. Nothing is as fun as watching your child catch their first fish. (a whole lot of excitement going on there)
Thank you for sharing :grin:
Good Hunting
We used to have a small dam here that would get stocked with rainbow trout that was kid fishing only beween 5 and 12 years in late spring and early summer . My girls had a great time since it was close and I could take them after work and then one day treehuggers got it closed down and there argument was that stocked fish might interbreed with the stealhead when they swam upstream to spawn :roll: :evil:
It feels great to get good news once in a while!
The hatchery off of Lake Norefork in Arkansas where I fly fish has a creek called Dry Run where only kids and Handicapped folks are allowed to fish, there is a wheel chair accessible boardwalk. it's all catch and release trophy area, and this is one that Tater caught when I took him there to learn to fly fish. There are MUCH larger one there and he hooked one, and I beleave he caught one bigger than this one, but I cant find it right now. After this, he didn't want to go to the regular river with me any more :( It's great when the state provides these services to kids and others less fortunate.
Antelope_ Sniper....

I started to sense a little sarcasm from you, then the story blows me away !
Great to hear of something good coming out of our DOW.

Success stories like this are always appreciated.


the picture of your son holding that trout is worth a mint. I have one of my middle daughter holding a trout like that many years ago. It is priceless.
Most of the DOW guys I know try really hard. It's our Legislature that's so screwed up in this state.
Antelope_Sniper":3ga7ucsx said:
Most of the DOW guys I know try really hard. It's our Legislature that's so screwed up in this state.
Thats about the way I see it too.