Half-Cocked at the Range


May 4, 2011
So went out to the range this evening with some friends and though we had a lot of laughs and got some good range time in just before sundown, we had a few hiccups. After church on Sunday one of my friends says "Hey lets go shooting this week." We decided on Tue night at 530 to meet up at my place then all drive out together.

I took the Sons of Thunder, my 30-06 and 300 WSM, Andy brought his two single shot 22 rifles, and Chris brought a 17 Caliber pellet rifle and a Winchester Model 94 in 25-35. I brought a camera but as you will notice there are no pictures...I forgot to put in fresh batteries. :roll:

Andy had a rifle break on him, the bolt handle broke off in his hands when he cycled it one time, and Chris forgot to bring 25-35 shells. So I guess you could say, our hair was pretty blonde all in all. We sure went to the range half-cocked!

But I got the 30-06 shooting nice in preparation for deer season. I put 8 shots into about 3.5" at 200 yards resting over the hood of Chris's car, not too shabby. The group would've been smaller had I been a little steadier. Hit some clay pigeons out there as well and then switched to the 300 WSM. It shot very nice as well putting 4 shots into about the same as the 30-06. I cannot express the love I have for the gentle shove that the 300 WSM gives as compared to other 300 Magnums I have shot. Its a sweetie for sure. Cannot wait to throw down on an elk this November.

Chris's 17 pellet gun is tack driving accurate and with peep sights we were shooting spent 22 cases at 25 yards. Andy hung up some beer bottles we found there about 75 yards out and shot them with the 22 also with peep sights. Just like on Hatari, one bottle neck remained swinging back and forth lightly in the breeze. I took my 30-06 and leaned over the car hood and destroyed it with one shot. I was proud of that one though I am sure Andy or Chris would've picked it off had I left it alone.

All in all we had a blast. It just does'nt get much better than a trip to the range with good rifles and good friends.
Quality time, for sure. I don't get near enough time "with friends" at the range anymore. It seems as if when I go each week, I'm toting a truckload of rifles that have to be finished right away. Good post.

Apparently the wind did not bother you sounds like a great group. What make of rifle lost the bolt?. I finished bedding the Model 70 yesterday and will hopefully get some rounds through it in the near future.
You know Bill I don't recall the make of that old 22 rifle. It was an antique and looked to me as though someone had spot-welded the handle onto it once upon a time. Had I examined this rifle previous to our outing I wouldn't have advised them to fire it. That kind of sense makes no sense to me!

We had a great time though despite all of our collective blonde moments. There wasnt hardly any wind at that time. The reason my groups were nearly 4 inches was because I was nearly laying across the hood of his car to get a decently steady rest. All of the variation was horizontal stringing. I know that 30-06 well enough to know that was my fault and nothing to do with it. Its bedding is just fine. I was just swaying slightly right and left at times because of my not so steady rest. They wouldve all been in a 1.5 or 2" circle had I been on a bench. Nonetheless, still have a few shots left over to practice with before Buck Season rolls around in October. Was going to use my 300 Savage but I havent gotten over to Dads to put the M7b 4x Leupold scope I picked up from Kurt on it and wont before deer season, so I will take old Number One, the reliable 30-06 and smile the whole time I am doing it!

I am excited to see how that 300 looks once you have it together. I am sure you will love it!
Yeah I just haven't gotten around to getting it sent in to Leupold for servicing. I really like the finish of the exterior, it matches the patina finish of the old Savage 99. Love that reticle too as the first scope my grandfather had on this rifle had the same reticle though I believe it was a Lyman Alaskan 2.5x scope.

Was going to put it on that Savage and hunt deer with it this fall but I am just not going to get back over to Dads place to get it and shoot it before deer season starts. I keep most of my guns over there because I live in a shady part of town here in Bend. I don't hardly feel comfortable keeping what I do have here. Luckily going to move in November to a nicer part of town!

Still, the old 30-06 has never let me down and I got it shooting very good. We are a good team, the old 30-06 and I so we will go deer hunting together this year.
DrMike":3v24crm6 said:
Quality time, for sure.

Oh yes. I do this every time I can with my young ones! Years go by too fast!
Sounds like a great day Dale. Anytime spent busting primers is good fun and only serves to make us better riflemen! Scotty