35 Whelen
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  • Hey Earl how you doing?
    Might be coming up to Portland in September and might have time to stop by and share a cup of coffee.
    There's a pistol match in Scarborough that I'm thinking of shooting in on the 8th thru the 10th of Sept.
    How far are you from Portland?
    35 Whelen
    35 Whelen
    Hey ,
    Good to hear from ya! I am actually 2hrs north of Bangor! Right on the New Brunswick border. Small town called Brookton. Near East Grand Lake. I am usually always around, and always have time for fellow "Nosler" fellas!
    35 Whelen
    35 Whelen
    Oooops just realized that weekend is the International Seaplane fly in, in Greenville, Me. I will be competing in it......... so will not be home till Sunday afternoon.
    truck driver
    truck driver
    Sorry I didn't see this earlier and respond. It seems that there are still glitches with the forum. ( no notifications)
    As it turns out I won't be coming up due to scheduling conflicts. Life seems to always get in the way of my fun. lol
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