I have always used a pair of regular ear protectors but have since gone to the electronic kind. Muzzle breaks are not bad if you wear adequate ear protection...I would include that while hunting. Same when hunting with a hand gun.
I'm bad about it, and I know better, but I do not use hearing protection when hunting.
I have two rifles with brakes on them. My .280 has a brake that is excessively painful on the ears if you don't use protection.
My .300RUM has a Vias brake and does a much better job of disapating the shock away from the shooter.
For that very reason, my .280 doesn't make it on too many hunting trips anymore......
The ONLY ported/braked rifle I've hunted with was one of the early .45/70 Marlin Guide Guns, with an 18.5" ported barrel. My pard and I stalked up for a 70 yard shot on a mulie, I eased the stubby lever gun into position, put the crosshairs on... squeezed the trigger and WHAM! :shock:
I'd NEVER shot it anywhere except at the range. Ouch. The deer dropped hard and fast but my ears were ringing through the whole field dressing & venison retrieval project... I suspect the left ear never came back the whole way.
Not too long after that I traded the rifle for a 22" non-ported version and was much happier with it. Both shot well.
I refuse to carry a rifle afield with a muzzle brake, and I refuse to hunt with friends that use muzzle brakes unless they agree to tell me when they plan to torch off so I can plug my ears. Once hearing is gone, it won't come back.
Me, I just learned to take the recoil. I don't use brakes on my hunting rifles or ever will. I can't take the blast to the ears.
I have never used the electronic hearing protection / amplification plugs before. I think they would be worth a try. Sometimes if you are not in a stand, you don't have time to put your ear plugs in before the shot opportunity is gone.
I have two handguns that are ported. I don't shoot with out plugs in.
The best $60 you can spend. I have tried several brands and these are great. I never let my sons shoot without protection and these fit the bill for hunting also. We have three sets.
Most of my guns are ported. I have 4 kids that hunt and none liked the kick. We always use hearing protection as permanent hearing loss can occur. Even with protection, some short term loss can occur,
Pop, at one point in time I remember you mentioning their great for hunting. I just returned from Maine and used my set of Pro-ears while in my ladder stand. My buddy was approximately 200 yards away from me and using his deer call which I could hear very clearly. My hearing, due to military service is horrible and I rely more on sight than hearing in the woods. The electronic earmuffs worked fantastic and opened up a whole new perpespective for me. (they also kept my ears warm)