Help finding a good reloading manual


Jan 20, 2011
Anyone know of a good reloading manual that has a list of loads specifically for the M1 Garand? I can't find anything online that is just for the Garand, other than other's suggestions. I want a manual that lists starting and max loads, as well as suitable powders.

I'm looking to get an 8lb can of Accurate 2520, as I've read that it is almost the same as IMR4895. I'm leaning towards it as my powder measure prefers ball powder.

Any help would be appreciated,
This is from my Sierra manual, re the .30-06 M1 Garand:

"When loading for a Garand, powders in the medium burning range must be used. Due to its system of operation, the Garand can be damaged by improper powder selection, even if the loads themselves are perfectly safe. We have had our best results in Garands when using IMR-4895, 2495br, and 2520."

I don't know if there's a loading manual with a section devoted to the Garand, but I've read this same caution about using mid-level powders elsewhere as well.

And here's a link to loading for the M1 Garand:

Regards, Guy
A buddy told me the newest Hornady manual has a section devoted to loading for the greatest battle implement of all time.
Might call Hornady and ask them.

From what I understand powders w slow burn rates are prone to bend the op roads.

Also found an old post of mine:

M1 loads (Courtesy of the NRA)

Recommended .30 caliber M1 loadings from the NRA

147 - 155 grain FMJ or HPBT bullets

IMR 3031 - 48.0 grains
IMR 4895 - 49.0 grains
IMR 4064 - 50.0 grains
W748 - 48.0 grains
AA2460 - 49.0 grains
AA2520 - 51.0 grains
AA2495 - 50.5 grains
H4895 - 49.0 grains
BLC-2 - 49.0 grains
H335 - 49.0 grains
RL-12 - 48.0 grains

165/168 grain FMJ, HP or SP bullets

IMR 4895 - 47.0 grains
IMR 4094 - 48.0 grains
AA2520 - 47.5 grains
AA2495 - 47.0 grains
H4895 - 47.5 grains
BLC-2 - 49.0 grains
H335 - 47.0 grains
RL-12 - 44.5 grains

173/175 grain FMJ or HPBT bullets

IMR 4895 - 46.0 grains
IMR 4064 - 47.0 grains
AA2460 - 46.0 grains
AA2495 - 46.0 grains
H4895 - 47.0 grains
BLC-2 - 48.0 grains

180 grain FMJ, SP or HPBT bullets

IMR 4895 - 43.0 grains
AA2460 - 46.5 grains
AA2495 - 45.5 grains
H4895 - 44.0 grains
BLC-2 - 47.5 grains
RL-12 - 41.5 grains

Additional comments

These loads only duplicate military spec. velocities for the given bullet weight, using commercial cases and powders. If you are using military cases, drop all charges by 2 grains.

If you are looking for accuracy, drop all charges by 1 grain and work up .2 grains at a time.

Master Po's Ancient M1 load secret

This is my personal M1 load I use in my CMP M1. It will shoot better than Master Po can. I worked this load up, as you should for your own rifle.

Remington .30/06 cases, flash holes deburred and weighed within 1 grain.
Federal GM210M Primers (Master Po has heard the horror stories of Federal match primers in the M1/M1A rifles. If you're squeamish or new to reloading, use Winchester Large Rifle)
47.0 grains IMR 4064
Sierra 175 grain MatchKing
Overall length 3.340 inches

Guy, Howard, Fotis thanks guys all good info there. I have to wait 30-60 days for my Garand, so I'm killing time by doing as much research as possible.

I'm leaning towards Accurate 2520, 150-168gr bullets, and CCI-34's.