Help W/Hornady OAL Gauges ????


Feb 4, 2012
OK, need some advice or help. This is the first time that I have done this so don't flame me too bad please. I took the Hornady OAL Gauge followed the directions and placed a 140gr AccuBond in the .270 bullet attachment, tapped the plastic end lightly until the bullet stopped as in the directions, tightened the nut down pulled it out and used a cleaning rod to remove the bullet. I placed the bullet back in the attachment and measured it the COAL is 3,425, my manual says that the maximum can only be 3,340, even if I reduce the free travel by .020 -.040 I am still way over - am I doing something wrong :?:

Thanks for any help.
What rifle are you measuring the cartridge in? Some will have a great deal of freebore. You may well be within normal parameters. Remember, the manual or guide will give you measurements for SAAMI standards. Rifle manufacturers will vary the throat depth for any of a number of reasons. I assume you did use the modified case for your rifle and you did have the proper insert? Assuming that this is correct, I'd say that you are working with a lot of freebore. That is only 0.085 inches beyond SAAMI specs, which means that you can actually load out (assuming your magazine permits) to permit slightly higher charges without increased pressure.
DrMike":4uhukvo5 said:
What rifle are you measuring the cartridge in? Some will have a great deal of freebore. You may well be within normal parameters. Remember, the manual or guide will give you measurements for SAAMI standards. Rifle manufacturers will vary the throat depth for any of a number of reasons. I assume you did use the modified case for your rifle and you did have the proper insert? Assuming that this is correct, I'd say that you are working with a lot of freebore. That is only 0.085 inches beyond SAAMI specs, which means that you can actually load out (assuming your magazine permits) to permit slightly higher charges without increased pressure.

Thanks DrMike I talked to Scotty and he said it's good to go, I backed it off .20 and they fit in the mag perfect. :mrgreen: You have to love the newb questions, :lol:
I have a long throated .270 as well. With one box of 140 AB,s I get a max oal. of 3.484. Another box is 3.468. I load both at 3.405 which fits the magizine. Accuracy is superb even with lots of jump. I use either H-4831 or IMR-4831. Both powders push the 140AB at 3,ooo FPS.
hubcap":21t1q4u8 said:
I have a long throated .270 as well. With one box of 140 AB,s I get a max oal. of 3.484. Another box is 3.468. I load both at 3.405 which fits the magizine. Accuracy is superb even with lots of jump. I use either H-4831 or IMR-4831. Both powders push the 140AB at 3,ooo FPS.

I started with the 3.405, I am loading IMR-4831. :mrgreen: