I am about to become.....


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
The happiest rifle owner of all time....

If my deal comes through....

Give it about a week or so and I will verify!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
sounds like something may be up in the classifieds why you got to do this so close to christmas my daughter was good this year1
Another "Elvira"? You sold the 25-06 didnt you? Ill bet you got some big .30 cal....Shame on you...! CL
WAIT A minute.....you were looking for 280 Dies.....did you sell half the collection and buy an NCR in 280? Thats my bet. CL
NO the 280 dies are for my buddy's kid. He is getting the Ruger for X-mas so I will teach him to load.

On another note I have not sold anything. I would let you guys know first.
Due in Wed! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Happiest rifle owner? For me, that would take anything custom made for jack O'Connor!!! :lol: As a teenager I read and re-read everything he ever wrote.
I have things I need to do Wednesday, and don't own a phone with "apps" on it. Wifey gets upset if I just sit at the computer and refresh the Rifle forum every ten seconds.....THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!! :shock: