I just had to do it Part Deux! 45-70


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Could not help myself...... again!
I do have a Marlin 30-30 model 336 (Mrs Pop's Christmas gift) and a Win model 94 AE Big Bore 356 win. Both rifles in the regular lever format.
So I decided on something more "Classic". You know Tom Horn-like.... :mrgreen:

Marlin 1895 Cowboy. 26" tube octagonal barrel with full length tubular magazine.

So think of this. 405 gr at 2000 fps and 9 rounds in the mag! Yeah I feel safe! :twisted:

Man somebody stop me! :shock:



I really like that POP specially with the tang sight,,, almos went the Cowboy route myself when I bought the GBL. I'd love to have both!!!
I am a Marlin whore, truth be said. I like them far better to the winnies for one reason. Accuracy. I never had a Marlin not shoot MOA or less with my loads.

Just ask JD338!

I will make some mid level loads with some cast bullets, put some gallon jugs at 300 yards or so and Quiggly them.
Yup, Pop is right. Marlins shoot!
Marlin 1895 Guide 45-70 with a VX-3 1.75-6x32mm in Leupold Std Dovetail mounts

The new 300 gr BST sight in target at 100 yds. The bottom 3 shot group went .400".


Love that 1895 Cowboy. Congratulations buddy.

Ah, Fotis. Now you've gone and done it. I'm officially jealous. That is the precise rifle I thought I should buy. It is still in the works. They look great to me.

405 gr at 2000 fps and 9 rounds in the mag!

That about sums it up. Congratulations on a fine rifle.

I love that rifle, it looks as if it is waiting to be picked up and toted to the woods. There have only been two levers I have ever wanted one is an older model Savage and the guide gun. Great photos, and lots of kills with it. :grin:
Living the dream. I will buy 3 more rifles, Lord willing... and that is one of them. SWEET!
The only reason I wold stop you is to grab it myself! I want one of those things badly... it may be inappropriate, but I would slap a receiver sight on there and see what she'd do.
POP That looks like a ton of fun! I'm going to start telling my wife everytime you buy a new gun. Hopefully she'll get the picture that she doesn't have it that bad. There are far worse cases of RADD out there than me.
Just for the record These guns do not get bought from the regular family account. They get bought from Fotis' gun account, which gets accumulated from my "crack" deals by buying and selling! :mrgreen:
Here is mine


I love mine. Don't stop with the 405's when there are 525's and 550's just begging to get loaded up in your 1895CB! I love the Marlin 45-70. I have to be careful or I could convince myself to only with it!

Mike, quit resisting buddy, the pull to get one has to be pretty strong! I swear they are funner than shooting .22's and have alot more thump. I really need to try out my hand at casting, might even be comparable in expense to shooting a 22! Scotty
Let you all in on a little secret.

Cabelas card for all your purchases. Pay it off every month. Gas alone will accumulate to $5K annually. That adds up to Cabelas dollars.

Hence my crack deals.... at least one of them.
I like it, that is a great idea! Never thought of that, but I am not sure if I need another enabler! Scotty
I am kind of short on self control when it comes to buying rifles/reloading stuff.. Scotty