I'm very satisfied


Jul 30, 2011
I'm extremely pleased with Mitt's choice for VP. I feel Ryan has a very keen sense for financial and budget issues and the temerity to go face to face with anyone. This country needs a no nonsense approach for it's financial ills and Mr Ryan has the acumen and determination to get us on the right track.

I've watched him dissect the Health Care plan, Geithner's budget and various other wannabe congressmen intellectuals and every time I stand up and pump my fist.

Hopefully they will run a semi-clean campaign and just stay with the facts. You'd think it would be a slam dunk but with the overwhelming bias in most of the mainstream media against Romney it will be a tough fight.

I hate politics....
Mitt Romney needed an attack dog to take the lies to the Obama Whitehouse, rub their faces in it and call a spade a spade (pun intended). The Attorney General of the United States is in Contempt of Congress, Hiliary needs to be reminded that the Second Amendment does not get decided by the United Nations. Obama, worst of all, needs to be impeached for not being a US Natural Born Citizen. Plus, Congress needs a really bad shake up, especially the Senate! Starting with Maria Cant-do-well the Senator who is up for election in Washington!

Maybe at least with Ryan, the Romney camp can commence long overdue rebuttals to nearly everything that the White House says. This including that scurrilous spousal cancer advertizement from that lying union hack last week!
I think Ryan was a great choice. I hope the Romney campaign stuffs a sock down the throats of those who have said stupid things over the last few months, like the "etch-a-sketch" man.

I think what the media has done amounts to the projection of holograms for the conservatives to wear themselves out combating. The republicans need to learn to attcak, attack, and attack---aggressively and relentlessly, political correctness be damned!
If the ticket is successful, Ryan deserves a vote of gratitude. He appears to be speaking the language of a true conservative with a great mind. He is willing to tackle the President with facts, exposing the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
I agree with all of you, I sure hope R&R can convinve all the stupid people, and there are a lot of them, waiting for their house, car and food.

with a doubt Ryan is the best choice. He has been a numbers man for years and tells it like it is. That should knock the Obama crew for a loop. On another note (and don't want to sound racist) Morgan Freeman one of our better actors came out recently and stated that the Black people were thrilled that they had their first black president but actually the president was a Mulatto. That started a bit of hysteria and then people began to realize he was correct. Then, all of a sudden you didn't hear the comment anymore. (don't want to ruffle any feathers)
big rifle man":3vkshc49 said:
with a doubt Ryan is the best choice. He has been a numbers man for years and tells it like it is. That should knock the Obama crew for a loop. On another note (and don't want to sound racist) Morgan Freeman one of our better actors came out recently and stated that the Black people were thrilled that they had their first black president but actually the president was a Mulatto. That started a bit of hysteria and then people began to realize he was correct. Then, all of a sudden you didn't hear the comment anymore. (don't want to ruffle any feathers)


No worries, I call a spade a spade, (pardon the pun).

"Morgan Freeman one of our better actors came out recently and stated that the Black people were thrilled that they had their first black president but actually the president was a Mulatto."

I noticed the other day that Mr. Freeman donated one million dollars to Obama's campaign. :shock: I thought he was a lot smarter than that. :( Very disappointing.
Paul B.
Shouldn't be too big of a surprise that a hollywood actor is going to support a left-wing loonie.

I wonder how many Dems feel that JFK was a great Prez. I also wonder how many know how much JFK resembles today's Republicans. Tax cuts, and increased revenues as the key to economic recovery and the unforgettable service to country speech quote.
The best thing about Paul Ryan's place on the GOP ticket is that it's forcing the real Obama to come out. Obama stated that his campaign is about a "New Vision for America", which figures because he's the guy who in 2008 promised to "fundamentally Transform America". Anyone with ears heard him describe this "New Vision" as the society where "prosperity will be Shared". Anyone with eyes, can see how his whole mode of operation is to forcefully "spread the wealth (from the owners of that wealth) Around" to those who didn't earn the wealth. Paul Ryan explained that America is a country to promises "Equal Opportunity, NOT equal outcomes".
The use of the word "elites" (I think) best describes the believe sets of people such as Morgan Freeman. These people are invested in a system which illuminates them as "personalities", way beyond their superficial importance to making the world run smoothly or function at all essentially.

These "facade" Liberals are also totally invested in the thing that makes them special, personality and being someone whom they really are not for a living. Does anyone doubt that if Morgan Freeman died tomorrow that the world would function exactly as is does today only without him?

When one of these talking faces takes a political position, I am always surprised if their position has anything to do with anyone but reenforcing with peers the universal truth that they are already a member of that peer group and are willing to freely pay for the priviledge thereof. Even if it makes no logical sense to believe what they say their belief system actually consists of. Their primary belief sysytem is that they are somehow important and that many somebodies therefore must care what they think even if they do not really know what they believe in!
Ah yes, the Hollywood elite. They think they're important because the sheeple fawn all over them like they were gods and goddesses. I'd like to give some of them a piece of my mind but sadly I don't think there would be enough to go around. There's too many of those idiots. :x
Paul B.