
Dec 26, 2007
I received my Nosler custom brass for my new M48 in 7mm08 that is coming in October, and after making sure I had flash holes exactly the same, I weighed all fifty pieces of brass. Guys, this box of fifity Noseler Custom 7mm08 brass had an extreme spread on weight for the 50 pieces of less than 9/10th of a grain. You all know how anal I am when it comes to load development and this is impressive let alone just plan awesome. I have never received any new brass from any other company including Lapua or Norma that even came close to this. On top of this they are ready to load with all the other prep work done. What can I say but kudos to Nosler for such quality control and all that they do to make their product the best. I sure hope Nosler keeps up with this kind of quality.

Yes they do and its very nice and a pleasure to work with. It also spendy but really nice stuff. It also seems to be very durable, I have been using the same 6 cases, - the two that had the primers pierce for 4 months now of load development. At least 2 range sessions a week. Lasts for ever especially when neck sizing.
Elkman":1hyqsood said:

Yes they do and its very nice and a pleasure to work with. It also spendy but really nice stuff. It also seems to be very durable, I have been using the same 6 cases, - the two that had the primers pierce for 4 months now of load development. At least 2 range sessions a week. Lasts for ever especially when neck sizing.

thanks . jim
JD338":3js7j6ry said:
Nosler brass is top notch!


I would say so considering a .9 gr extreme spread over 50 pieces of brass. :mrgreen:
Got to hand it to Nosler on their brass aslo. I found the same thing with 7mm Remington brass weights. Also the out of the 50 box I measured neck concentricity I had 8 pieces that was .004 - .005 out, 4 pieces .002 - .003 and all the rest was .001 or less. That's pretty darn good for new brass. Never found any Lapua or any other brass that consistent. I have Nosler brass for the 25-06 as well but haven't started on it yet. I'm sure I'll find the same quality in it.
Oh boy, I just weight sorted 50 new remmy cases in .270. I had 195,s,196,s,197,s and 198,s. Sheesh, I think I,ll consider some of that spendy nosler brass and make myself happy. Anal or not.
I second the 7WSM brass! I gotta say I'm very happy with the 264 and 338 brass I have been using. It is top notch brass and just loads really nicely. Slowly but surely everything I load for will get Nosler brass. Scotty
I prepped a bunch of cases this morning, based on our conversations here I also weighed them. Here is what I found, 7mm STW.
The 20 Remington cases weighed within .40 of each other.
The 20 New Nosler cases weighed within .20 of each other.
The 10 Nosler New Custom Ammo, once fired cases weighed within .75 of each other.

Don't know why but the cases in their ammo had a wider disperson than the new out of the box unprimed. I was also pretty pleased with the Remingtons.

I also threw out 30 Remington cases, both 8mm necked to 7mm STW and Remington STW this morning. They had between 7 and 9 reloads on each one and I was feeling and observed separation forward of the belt. Just more information
That is pretty good Bill. Can't beat getting that kinda life out of the STW cases. Its not like that beast is a pipsqueak. It is burning some powder!

What have you settled on for the STW? Scotty
Elkman":18a1zbzm said:
I prepped a bunch of cases this morning, based on our conversations here I also weighed them. Here is what I found, 7mm STW.
The 20 Remington cases weighed within .40 of each other.
The 20 New Nosler cases weighed within .20 of each other.
The 10 Nosler New Custom Ammo, once fired cases weighed within .75 of each other.

Don't know why but the cases in their ammo had a wider dispersion than the new out of the box unprimed. I was also pretty pleased with the Remingtons.

I also threw out 30 Remington cases, both 8mm necked to 7mm STW and Remington STW this morning. They had between 7 and 9 reloads on each one and I was feeling and observed separation forward of the belt. Just more information

Bill, I would not pay nearly as much attention to the fired cases as to the new ones on weight variation. In any event .20 grains is really tight tolerance for an extruded case! Nosler is making really high quality 7mm Mag cases!

I am finding some case head, incipient separation on my 7mm Rem Mag cases after 5-6 reloadings also. I know in my particular rifle, the carburizing (hardening) and temper of many of my action parts is pretty low hardness and spotty. The action is a Mark X and I suspect that they only carburized the action recesses and lugs in direct contact areas because the rest of the chrome moly steel in the rifle is not even what I would consider to be a Sunshine Anneal (Rc 35-38). Although I am beginning to think that 7-9 reloadings of a 7mm STW Mag case is pretty good based on my own history with (2) 7mm Rem Mag rifles.

It seems pretty odd to me that my 7mm Rem Mag cases last through fewer loadings than my .340 Weatherby Magnum cases which I am loading somewhat hotter. Must have something to do with overbore cases? My action must also be springy enough to allow some lug setback from repeated case loading?
Some of the finest brass you can buy. I've sold quite a bit to people looking to work up loads. It is good to hold differences to a minimum.

I was also contemplating this morning my self. I am now mostly neck sizing the STW cases, so I am sure that has helped a lot. Also because of our discussions I am also tracking much closer my load count on each lot (20) of new brass, so that I am more aware of the number of sizings. Of course engieering is more in your venue than mine but I would also think that the size of the chamber is also going to be a huge factor in the amount of expansion and contraction those cases go thru. I have some 300 win mag cases that I bet would scare me if I knew how many times they have been reloaded.
The neck sizing (also suggested by someone here) is amazing. It ruduces the working of the case significantly. I hardly use any lube at all. I do have to watch when I chamber to insure the shoulder is not creeping forward but so far I have not had any problems.