Inside Neck Reaming - 35 Remington


Oct 18, 2007
Getting ready to begin loading work for 35 Remington, I have cleaned, deprimed and rezed my cases and was getting ready to set up the case trimmer when I discovered my 35 cal pilot will not fit the case mouth.

I measured my expander it came out to .356, the pilot measures .355, logic tells me it should fit, but does not. Dies are RCBS 1974, FL 35 Rem.

Is the case mouth brass expanding and contracting enough during resizing to cause the pilot not to fit?
The only option I can come up with is to inside neck ream the cases out to either .356 or .358 so I can then trim them to length.

I am missing something here, or is this typical with 35 Remand having thicker case mouth brass? I load for many other calibers and have not experienced this before.

Any thoughts or options would be appreciated.
This doesn't sound right.

What make of brass and how many firings?
Have you tried running the cases over the expander ball again?

Hard to tell with out knowing more,,,,, as JD said,,how many firings?
Sounds like work hardened spring back to me and you need to anneal the necks. But thats just a guess with out having more info..

I may have found the issue.

I have both Forster and Lyman trimmers with pilots, and chekced my Lyman (since I was starting with the Forster), my Lyman 35 cal Pilot measures .353, which is correct for the inside case mouth of the 35 Rem.

Best I can conclude it the 35 cal Forster pilot is for use on cases like 357 and 38..

Most cases where either Federal or Remington and once fired, so work harded which crossed my mind did seem odd. so that is what got me to looking at my other trimmer and Pilots.

Thanks very much for the feed back and ideas, I just needed to step away from it fro a couple days and then try again.

Your findings would make sense now.
Let us know how things work out and give us a range report.

I use Forster FL Benchrest dies when I FL resize. RCBS has never been really careful about tolerance stackup and is even less so now. My 1965/66 dated diews are much better made than what you can buy from RCBS now, despite NC Machining Centers and Swiss Automatic's being used now.

If I want case dimensional control, I buy a die that will give me that with a warrantee. Sorry, there is no easy fix.