How should I package my reloads for Int'l air travel - I want to have smooth sailing with the TSA, airlines and customs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Your best shot would be to check with the carrier that you will be using. Additionally, you can check with the TSA on their web site. You'll want to be in compliance with both.
When I flew a few years ago they required that ammo be in its original boxes which leaves out reloaded ammo. :? It may be a good idea to collect empty ammo boxes from the range just in case you need them for your reloads. It would be helpful if the cartridges that you put in them were the same as what is printed on the box just in case someone actually checks.
If you only need a few rounds for the trip it may just pay to use some quality factory ammo and forget the whole reload idea.
MM, If you put the reloads in the same brand as the box there should be no problem. Its good to print the TSA and airline rules and take them with you as not all employees read the rules and/or have there own interpretation of them.
That being said, I would follow the advice that other on this post have stated. It seems that TSA and/or the carriers change their mind ever so often. Check with both.
We have used factory ammo boxes with our reloads in them with no problem. If you can get the right caliber that's better. We didn't and the folks at the airport didn't check to that degree. It would be rare that they did, but!!
This is the first that I have ever heard of airline approved, lockable ammo boxes. Seems like a very good idea except that it would be another piece of luggage and there are usually limits on the number of pieces and weight.
Bottom line - check TSA and carrier regulations before you do anything. Rules are changing and the experience that we had yesterday may not be relevant to the rules of tomorrow. Remember - yesterday no one was wondering what you might have concealed in your underwear. Today it's a whole different story. :shock: :lol: :shock: