OK, I've been wanting a wildcat rifle forever and like the .257 & .264 calibers for being fast and delivering a good punch to mid-size game. I really want to build on the RUM case, but is it worth the trouble of getting a custom reamer(with0.375" freebore) & headspace gauge, special order dies w/form dies, resizing new 7mmRUM brass twice, outside neck turning, fireforming the cases to a double radius shoulder to try and preserve barrel life and at the same time possibly using up 50% of it's usable service life.
All this for a .257 cal magnum that will recoil quite heavily, uses significantly more powder vs. some velocity gains over a 257 wby & the performance will most likely only exceed 7mm RUM perfomance with bullets of 115grn weights or less. That is since the parent 7mm fires a 120 grn @ 3670 fps according to the Nosler #6.
Granted, I am a velocity nut. I really like to have the ability to aim almost direct at 400+ yds and know that the bullet will have enough retained energy at the target to ensure a clean, humane kill.
Now I know that the 7mm RUM is overbore and already has a known short barrel life(1000 rnds), but is the weatherby technology (freebore & round shoulders) that makes the 257 wby such a great high velocity round going to prevent this somewhat in a bore that is 0.03" tighter. I want something unique and this wildcat is that, but is there enough advantages to a .257 bore to merit the trouble. Or should I just be satisfied with the already amazing 7mmRUM or a 7mm STW and load down to lower BC projectiles and enjoy a round that is more versitile and alot less original??
All this for a .257 cal magnum that will recoil quite heavily, uses significantly more powder vs. some velocity gains over a 257 wby & the performance will most likely only exceed 7mm RUM perfomance with bullets of 115grn weights or less. That is since the parent 7mm fires a 120 grn @ 3670 fps according to the Nosler #6.
Granted, I am a velocity nut. I really like to have the ability to aim almost direct at 400+ yds and know that the bullet will have enough retained energy at the target to ensure a clean, humane kill.
Now I know that the 7mm RUM is overbore and already has a known short barrel life(1000 rnds), but is the weatherby technology (freebore & round shoulders) that makes the 257 wby such a great high velocity round going to prevent this somewhat in a bore that is 0.03" tighter. I want something unique and this wildcat is that, but is there enough advantages to a .257 bore to merit the trouble. Or should I just be satisfied with the already amazing 7mmRUM or a 7mm STW and load down to lower BC projectiles and enjoy a round that is more versitile and alot less original??